22 Scholarships for High School Sophomores in 2024

Paying for college can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many ways to pay for college available to students each year. Even though many students could qualify for these awards, many of these financial awards go unclaimed each year. Even though the number of scholarship scams are continuing to grow as more organizations move online, there are still reputable places to find financial awards online. Here is a closer look at scholarships for high school sophomores. 

About High School Sophomore Scholarship 

sophomore scholarship

High school sophomores should know that their sophomore year of high school isn’t too early to begin looking at ways to pay for college, including grants and awards. Financial grants and awards are a great way to pay for college because they typically don’t need to be repaid. It’s a good idea for high school students to start looking for ways to pay for college before their junior year or senior year of high school. If high school students wait until senior year, their scholarship options could be limited. The application process, on top of other senior duties, may also add to the stress of leaving high school. There are even financial awards directly geared towards current high school sophomores. Any high school sophomore can apply for multiple scholarships for high school sophomores, but each award may have its own list of additional qualifications.

What are High School Sophomore Scholarships?

Scholarships for high school sophomores include awards intended for students in their sophomore year of high school. There may also be scholarships that are intended for high school freshmen, sophomores, or juniors. While many financial awards may be based on a high school student’s extracurricular activities or personal interests, it’s a good idea to pay attention to ways to pay for college that are intended for specific grade levels.

Logically, it makes sense that freshmen and sophomores will not apply to scholarships as competitively as graduating seniors will apply. It’s a good idea to search for scholarships as a high school sophomore, high school freshman, and high school junior, but it can be difficult to determine what qualifies as a high school sophomore scholarship. Parents and students should also keep in mind that there are many different types of financial awards that students can receive.

Some of the best scholarships are the ones that require the most attention from students, but this can be a good thing. Scholarships encourage students to have moments of self-reflection which should be a necessary thing to do before heading off to college. While many students may be drawn to an easy scholarship, students shouldn’t shy away from a more involved application, like ones with scholarship essays. When high school sophomores and juniors begin their scholarship hunt, they should seek out as many scholarships they can that they can apply to. Some financial awards will be grade-specific to sophomores or juniors.

What Qualifies as a High School Sophomore Scholarship?

Students and parents don’t want to waste hours of their time searching the internet for ways to pay for college, and they also don’t want to waste their time applying for a financial award that isn’t intended for high school sophomores. Many students and parents aren’t sure of the best way to search for and apply for reliable ways to pay for college. As students advance in their high school careers, the process becomes more competitive and the pressure to find ways to pay for college grows as students get closer to applying to colleges. 

Many reputable websites will have sections of their websites dedicated to financial awards for high school sophomores or students of any high school grade level. This is an easy way for sophomore students and parents to determine what qualifies as a scholarship for high school sophomores and what awards they can apply for with ease. Here are a few examples of types of scholarships for high school sophomores.

Types of High School Sophomore Scholarships Available

sophomore scholarships

Here are a few examples of available ways for high school sophomores to pay for college. While these scholarships do not state that they are strictly for high school sophomores only, they include a few good options for sophomores. Many of these awards are based on student interests, and each one has its own specific qualifications, award amount, and deadline. Some awards may require a short essay and some may be based on financial need, but students will likely find a specific scholarship or scholarships that catch their eye. Consider the top scholarships below.

1. Science Matters Scholarship

The Science Matters Scholarship is open for students at any education level. This award is offering an amount of $500 to one winner interested in science and scientific discoveries. Applicants will need to share which scientific discovery is their favorite and why. The application deadline for the Science Matters Scholarship is September 14th, 2022, and the scholarship winner will be announced on October 14th, 2022. 

2. Art Matters Scholarship

The Art Matters Scholarship is intended for students at any education level, including high school sophomores. Applicants should be passionate about art. This $500 award has a deadline of July 14th, and the winner will be announced on August 14th. Students who want to apply will need to answer the following scholarship question: what is their favorite piece of art and why they’re drawn to it.

3. Optimist Scholarship

The Optimist Scholarship is meant for students at any education level. The application deadline for this $500 award is July 14th, 2022, and this award will only have one winner. The winner of this scholarship will be announced on August 14th, 2022. This award is meant to encourage students to live their lives with optimism, hope, and joy. To apply, students will need to share how they have stayed optimistic during difficult times, and what they have learned by doing so. 

4. Financial Literacy Scholarship

The Financial Literacy Scholarship is open for students at all education levels to apply. This $500 award will be given to one student. The deadline for this award is July 14th, 2022, and the winner will be announced on August 14th, 2022. This scholarship is meant to support students who are passionate about taking charge of their personal finances. Students can apply by sharing about a personal finance lesson that has benefited them. 

5. Milk Road Web3 Cryptocurrency No-Essay Scholarship

The Milk Road Web3 Cryptocurrency No-Essay Scholarship is a $1000 award that will be given to one winner. This award is open to students at any education level. Students will need to apply by May 1, 2022, and winners will be announced on April 1, 2023. The Milk Road is a daily newsletter that shares more information about cryptocurrency, NFTs, and Web3. Students that want to apply will need to read The Milk Road. Finalists for this award could be interviewed about how they applied what they learned from The Milk Road to their education and careers. 

6. Climate Changemakers Scholarship

The Climate Changemakers Scholarship is a $500 award that will be given to one winner of any education level. The deadline for this scholarship is July 13, 2022. The winner of this award will be announced on August 13, 2022. This scholarship hopes to support students who are passionate about advocating for the environment for future generations. Any student who actively seeks to protect the environment is encouraged to apply. To apply, students will need to share what they do to benefit the environment in their daily life. 

7. Learning and Changing Scholarship

The Learning and Changing Scholarship is an award that is offered to students of any education level. This award is meant to encourage students to have open minds and continue to learn and grow. Students can apply for this $500 scholarship by sharing something that they have learned that changed their opinion on something important in their life. The deadline for this scholarship is July 13, 2022, and the winner will be announced on August 13, 2022. 

8. Mentor Scholarship

The Mentor Scholarship is available for students of any education level. This $500 award is meant to support students who act as mentors and role models to others. To apply, students need to submit their application by July 13, 2022. Students will also need to share how they hope to positively impact the lives of those they mentor. The winner for this award will be announced on August 13, 2022. 

9. WCEJ Thornton Foundation Music & Art Scholarship

The WCEF Thornton Foundation Music & Art Scholarship is intended for undergraduate and high school students interested in Music and/or art. This award will be given to five students with each student receiving $1000 in scholarship funds. The deadline to apply for this award is early July with winners being announced in early August. This scholarship is an excellent choice for students interested in studying the arts in college. 

10. Community Activist Scholarship

The Community Activist Scholarship was created to support students who strive to positively benefit their community and the lives of people around them. This is a $500 award that will be given to one winner of any education level. The deadline for this scholarship is July 13, 2022. To apply, students will need to share what they do in their local community to bring about positive change. The winner of this award will be announced on August 13, 2022. 

11. Great Books Scholarship

The Great Books Scholarship is an award available for students of any education level. The deadline to apply for this $500 scholarship is June 30, 2022. To apply, students from any field will need to share about their favorite book and why they love it so much. This scholarship will have one winner, and the winner will be announced on July 30, 2022. 

12. Caring for Seniors Scholarship

The Caring for Seniors Scholarship is a $500 award that will be given to one student. This scholarship is intended for students of any education level, including high school sophomores, and the deadline to apply is June 30, 2022. Any student who is involved in caring for seniors can apply for this award. To apply, students will need to share one thing that they do to make the lives of the elderly people in their community better. The winner will be announced on July 30, 2022. 

13. Deep Thinking Scholarship

The Deep Thinking Scholarship exists to support a student who is passionate about thinking deeply and making a positive impact on the world. The deadline for this award is June 25, 2022. This $500 award will be given to one winner of any education level. To apply, students will need to share which problem they think poses the greatest threat to the world and one way they can work towards fixing it. The winner will be announced on July 25, 2022.

14. Shawn’s Mental Health Resources Scholarship

Shawn’s Mental Health Resources Scholarship is open for student applicants of any education level. This financial award is intended for one winner of a $2000 scholarship. The application deadline is late June and the winner will be announced at the end of July. According to the information provided, this scholarship aims to support the mental health of those who are pursuing higher education by relieving some of the financial stress of college. 

15. Financial Freedom Scholarship

The Financial Freedom Scholarship is intended for students of any education level from any field of study. This scholarship exists to help one student take a step toward financial freedom by helping lessen college costs. To apply, students will need to share the most beneficial piece of financial advice that they have ever heard. June 25, 2022 is the deadline to apply for this $500 award. One winner will be announced on July 25, 2022. 

16. Great Minds Scholarship

The Great Mind Scholarship is a $500 dollar award that will be given to one student at any academic level in any field of study. To apply, students will need to share about a historical figure that they admire, and why. This financial gift has a deadline of June 25, 2022, and the winner will be announced on July 25, 2022. 

17. Generosity Matters Scholarship

The Generosity Matters Scholarship is offered to students of any education level as well as non-students from any field of study. Five $100 awards will be given to five winners, and this award has one requirement. Applicants must believe in the power of generosity and strive to help those around them whenever they get a chance. The deadline to apply to this scholarship is June 12, 2022. The winners will be announced on July 12, 2022. 

18. Camp Wyldewood Counselor Scholarship

The Camp Wyldewood Counselor Scholarship is meant for high school students, including sophomores. The organizers of this scholarship want to support students pursuing higher education without the burden of loans. For this $1000 scholarship, any student involved in their communities in Arkansas that identifies as a Christian can apply. This scholarship requires an essay detailing how the applicant wants to make the world a better place. The deadline for this scholarship is July 1, 2022, and the winner will be announced on August 1, 2022.

19. Persistence Scholarship

The Persistence Scholarship is a $500 scholarship that will be awarded to one student of any education level. This scholarship aims to support persistent students who persevere through all of the challenges they face. The deadline to apply is June 12, 2022. To apply, students will need to share how they’ve used persistence to overcome obstacles in the past. The winner will be announced on July 12, 2022. 

20. Nature Matters Scholarship

The Nature Matters Scholarship is a financial award for students at any education level. This scholarship will award five winners $100 each. To apply, students will need to share about their love of nature and what they do to show their appreciation for it. June 12, 2022 is the deadline for this award, and the winners will be announced on July 12, 2022. 

21. Future of Education Scholarship

The Future of Education Scholarship is a $500 award that will be given to one winner. This scholarship is a small way to promote more opportunities in education. To apply, students will need to write about one change to education that they believe would positively impact future generations. The deadline to apply for this scholarship is June 25, 2022, and the winner will be announced on July 25, 2022.

22. Mental Health Awareness Scholarship

The Mental Health Awareness Scholarship is a $500 scholarship that will be awarded to one student. This scholarship is open to students of any education level in any field of study. To apply, students will need to share what they think should be done to help people who struggle with mental health. The deadline to apply is June 24, 2022, and the winner will be announced. These are a few of only many awards offered to high school sophomores, or students of any education level. 

How to Find High School Sophomore Scholarships to Apply for?


There are a few ways that high school sophomores can find ways to pay for college, specifically with scholarships for high school sophomores. Students can apply for federal money or federal loans for school by filling out the FAFSA. But financial awards are one of the best ways to pay for college because they don’t need to be paid back. To find grants and scholarships, students can contact the financial aid office of the schools they’re looking into attending when they graduate from high school. 

Students can also speak to their school counselors about reliable places to find ways to pay for college. Students might also be able to check local organizations that they volunteer for or are involved in, like faith-based groups, for financial awards they offer. Students and parents can also look online on reputable websites for scholarships, like bold.org. Once students start the process of applying for scholarships, there are a few things to keep in mind. 

Tips for Winning High School Sophomore Scholarships

Applying for ways to pay for college can be a time-consuming process, but there are a few things that students can do to have their best chance at winning awards. 

Apply Early

The earlier that students start applying for ways to pay for college, the better. When students apply early, it allows them time to submit a quality application. If students wait to apply for ways to pay for college, the process is often rushed, and students may not submit their best work. Students should apply early to ensure they have plenty of time to proofread their applications before they submit their applications. Most, if not all, ways to pay for college usually have a deadline to apply. It’s also a good idea to apply to many different ways to pay for college, including financial awards like scholarships. 

Apply to Many Scholarships

Many scholarships do not require an entry fee or application fee to apply, though some privately-owned companies may charge students to apply. If a student is applying to scholarships that don’t require an application fee, there is no reason to only apply to one or two. Students should apply to as many financial awards as they can for a few reasons. First, the more that students apply, the better acquainted they will be with the application process. This will help students feel more comfortable with the process of applying for ways to pay for college. Second, if students apply to more than a couple of ways to pay for college, probability shows that they will increase their chances of being awarded funds for college.

Don’t Ignore Scholarships With Smaller Awards

College students know that any little bit of award money is helpful. Any money that college students use to pay toward their education is money that they do not have to take out in loans. Because there is no limit on how many scholarships students can apply for, students should not ignore awards with smaller funds. College students likely use these smaller monetary awards to pay for college textbooks and other necessary items.

Stay Organized

If students choose to apply to many ways to pay for college, they will need to stay organized to ensure they don’t miss any deadlines or important application information. Students should always work to complete applications before the deadline, and they should prioritize applications with closer deadlines. Students should also stay organized about the financial awards they’re looking into. Some awards are intended for students who demonstrate financial needs, while others require applicants to have a certain minimum GPA to apply. Staying organized during the application process can keep students from clicking on and reviewing the same scholarships over and over. It’s also a good idea for students to note when they applied for specific awards for their records. 

Consider Adding Letters of Recommendation to Your Applications

Letters of recommendation sometimes speak for students in a way that their applications can’t. Letters of recommendation from teachers, coaches, or club sponsors can go a long way with application committees. These letters can speak to a student’s characteristics, strengths, and work ethic. If students want to add letters of recommendation, they should make sure to ask the person writing the letter plenty of time to complete the letter. Students should also consider giving the letter writer their student resume for reference.

Some high school students will choose to pursue a college education, and students should be aware of the eligibility requirements for the colleges they’re interested in. The college admission process is a long process that requires a lot of attention to detail and proofreading. College applications and scholarship applications are similar in that they both require a student’s time and attention. But if a student dreams of attending college, they should not be turned away by the hard work required by these applications. Current college students can speak to the college experiences that make the application process worth it.

Frequently Asked Questions About High School Sophomore Scholarships

Are High School Sophomore scholarships legit?

Yes, scholarships for high school sophomores are legit. There are many scholarship scams that exist, but there are also reputable sites and organizations that want to help students pay for higher education. Students and parents should do their research on organizations they don’t know well, especially if the organization is asking for personal information. Students should apply for legit scholarships for high school sophomores on sites they trust. If students plan to attend college, they should diligently search for ways to pay for college. Many university students are transitioning to living on their own and college expenses can add up. Finding legit ways to pay for college can help college freshmen with the adjustment of living on their own.

How can I improve my chances of winning High School Sophomore scholarships?

There are a few things that students can do to improve their chances of winning scholarships for higher education. Students should aim to apply early to scholarships, apply to many scholarships, stay organized when applying to scholarships, and consider adding letters of recommendation to their applications.

How many High School Sophomore scholarships can you get?

There is no limit to the number of scholarships for high school sophomores that a student pursuing higher education can receive. Any scholarships that students receive should be reported to the financial aid office at the student’s university. Because there is no limit, current high school students should complete applications for essay scholarships, non-essay scholarships, local awards, or anything they feel they could qualify for.

Are High School Sophomore scholarships taxable income?

Usually, scholarships, even scholarships for high school sophomores, cannot be considered taxable income as long as the funds are used for tuition, fees, or anything else that the IRS would consider a qualified education expense.

What’s the best way to apply for High School Sophomore scholarships?

Students pursuing higher education and parents of these students should reach out to local organizations, school counselors, and use reputable online sources to apply for college scholarships. The college admissions process can be lengthy, so high school juniors and sophomores would do well to prepare ahead of their senior year by finding scholarships early.

Our Editorial Team, with a rich background in educational content creation, prioritizes accuracy and quality in every article. We are committed to producing expert content tailored to meet the academic needs of college and high school students, ensuring they receive well-researched and trustworthy information for their educational journey.

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