Can You Have An Emotional Support Animal In A Dorm?

Can You Have An Emotional Support Animal In A Dorm?

College can be very stressful for students. Between leaving behind old friends and possibly living away from home for the first time, many things can tell a student’s mental health.  Many colleges have mental health resources like on-campus therapists or support groups, but sometimes these aren’t enough. For students who need extra help, the emotional…

14 Best LGBTQ Scholarships for Students in 2024

14 Best LGBTQ Scholarships for Students in 2024

If you are looking for the perfect LGBTQ scholarship for you, then you’ve come to the right place! But first things first: what does LGBTQ stand for? The first four letters of this standard abbreviation are pretty self-explanatory: lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. These four letters have been used since the 1990s, but recently there…

The Top 25 Scholarships for Homeschoolers to Apply for in 2024

The Top 25 Scholarships for Homeschoolers to Apply for in 2024

Searching and applying for college scholarships can be stressful and challenging for any student seeking further education. Students looking for financial aid who demonstrated academic achievement during their post-secondary education can face different challenges than those who went to public school counterparts. Most colleges offer a scholarship program for enrolled students and those who received…

13 Best Nursing Scholarships & Grants for Nursing Students in 2024

13 Best Nursing Scholarships & Grants for Nursing Students in 2024

Becoming a nurse is a big decision, and can offer both incredible challenges as well as opportunities. Nurses are critical to the medical field for keeping patients safe and healthy. They’re one of the heroes of society – without nurses, we couldn’t continue the same way! Nursing has become a high-demand profession. With baby boomers…

14 Best Scholarships for Immigrant Students in 2024

14 Best Scholarships for Immigrant Students in 2024

Immigrants from every country of the world have played a huge role in the U.S. economy since the beginning. Regardless of where they come from, many are entrepreneurs. Immigrants have founded and grown some of our most successful businesses that employ hundreds of thousands of Americans. In addition to their contributions to our vibrant and…

20 Scholarships for Computer Science Majors to Apply For in 2024

20 Scholarships for Computer Science Majors to Apply For in 2024

Many computer science scholarships are available for high school undergraduate and graduate students. Computer Science Scholarships are essential because they offer students financial aid. There are many unique scholarships, like ones for left-handed people, the first to attend college in the family, athletes, and chess players, the list honestly goes on. You’re specifically interested in…

What Are the Different College Scholarships for High School Juniors?

What Are the Different College Scholarships for High School Juniors?

Though most scholarships are intended for high school seniors or college freshman, there are many college scholarships for high school juniors as well. The most common types of college scholarships for high school juniors are those that are merit based, which means they are intended for students who have high grade point averages and high standardized test scores. There…

How do I get Computer Science Scholarships?

How do I get Computer Science Scholarships?

If you’re interested in computer science careers, don’t let the cost of a college education keep you from pursuing your dream. Many colleges and universities provide computer science scholarships for departmental majors. There are also many national scholarships, including the prestigious Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship. Applicants for this scholarship must be full-time students, in their sophomore or junior…

13 Best Scholarships for Asian American Students in 2024

13 Best Scholarships for Asian American Students in 2024

With Asian Americans making up about 5% of the U.S. population, and about 40% of them attending college (more than any other ethnic group), it’s important that this demographic receives the resources and support needed to fulfill their higher education experience. These resources can come in the form of financial aid, with much being offered…

The Best 22 Scholarships for Disabled Students in 2024

The Best 22 Scholarships for Disabled Students in 2024

Ever since the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law in 1990, colleges, universities, and trade and vocational schools have made great strides in creating a more level playing field for disabled college students and graduating high school seniors. Financial aid programs have expanded rapidly. Those changes have torn down many barriers that…

11 Best SAT Tutors: Top Online Tutoring Programs [2024 Rankings]

11 Best SAT Tutors: Top Online Tutoring Programs [2024 Rankings]

Editor’s Pick 🏆 While standardized tests are not the be-all-end-all, they are a significant component of the college application process. Many colleges and universities across the country use standardized test scores as a means of assessing a student’s preparedness for higher education, and they will likely continue to do so into the future. If you…