14 Scholarships for Graphic Design Students Should Apply For in 2024

1st Generation People Of Color Patrick Copney Memorial Music/Arts Scholarship

This $2,000 award will be awarded to one student with a passion for the visual arts. Undergraduate students are encouraged to apply as well as high school seniors.

  • Amount: $2,000
  • Deadline: September 1, 2022
  • Winners Announced: September 30, 2022

Christian Myles Foundation Fine Arts Scholarship

Saddled with creative vision and a passion for the visual arts? Then this is perfect for you. Creative arts are encouraged with this undergraduate degree scholarship. Graduating high school seniors and undergraduate students are encouraged to apply.

  • Amount: $2,560
  • Deadline: August 12, 2022
  • Winner Announced: September 12, 2022

WCEJ Thornton Foundation Music and Art Scholarship

Preference is given to qualified applicants seeking an art degree but all creative students are encouraged to apply. Graphic designers can easily be one out of the five $1,000 awards this scholarship promises. Design scholarships like this one don’t come around often enough.

  • Amount: $1,000
  • Deadline: July 22, 2022
  • Winner Announced: August 22, 2022

Future Party Entertainment and Culture Scholarship

Celebrate your love for graphic design. Graphic communications and networking among graphic designers are important. This scholarship recognizes that and creates a space for creative students to grow. Not many design scholarships have this focus. All that’s required is knowledge and readership of The Future Party leadership.

  • Amount: $1,000
  • Deadline: July 1, 2022
  • Winner Announced: August 1, 2022

Love To Create Scholarship

Have an inspiring story on how you plan to use graphic design to make a difference? A graphic designer enrolled full-time in a higher education fine arts program should look into this. Creative arts are encouraged in this $500 scholarship to keep in touch with their creative side. This is for undergraduate students or high school kids.

  • Amount: $500
  • Deadline: October 1, 2022
  • Winner Announced: November 1, 2022

Keep Going Forward

The best way to start a new college or major in graphic arts. Future graphic designers are taking a big step in pursuing a degree in graphic design from an accredited college. This one is for you.

  • Amount: $1,515
  • Deadline: October 1, 2022
  • Winner Announced: October 30, 2022

Wondermind Mental Fitness Scholarship

Take care of yourself first with the wondermind mental fitness scholarship. Encouraging college students to take a second to breathe. This $1,000 scholarship has a deadline of August 1, 2022.

  • Amount: $1,000
  • Deadline: August 1, 2022
  • Winner Announced: July 1, 2023

Choose Courage Over Comfort Scholarship

Another great opportunity for those in the digital art community looking to grow. It’s easy to apply to this $500 but the message is harder to follow.

  • Amount: $500
  • Deadline: October 31, 2022
  • Winner Announced: November 30, 2023

Best Christian Colleges No Essay Scholarship

If you’re a graphic designer with a loved of religion and your school qualifies as a Christian university then take a look at this. Interested students should use their passion to apply for this $1,000 award.

  • Amount: $1,000
  • Deadline: August 1, 2022
  • Winner Announced: July 1, 2023

Financial Freedom Scholarship

The goal at the end of anyone pursuing careers in decorative arts like graphic design at an accredited four-year college is financial freedom. Creative students with a bachelor’s degree earn more exposure to opportunities like this one. Bold.org financial freedom essay is a $500 award with rolling deadlines until a winner is announced on Nov. 30, 2022

  • Amount: $500
  • Deadline: October 30, 2022
  • Winner Announced: November 30, 2022

Marketing Millennials No Essay Scholarship

The Marketing department is where most interested students find themself after graduating. Design excellence is needed in mass communications like a Facebook ad or social media caption.

  • Amount: $1,000
  • Deadline: October 1, 2022
  • Winner Announced: May 1, 2023

Be Bold No Essay Scholarship

Be bold and eligible candidates are bold web design, fashion design, and all visual communication majors. Take a bold step and look at this be bold no essay scholarship. This $25,000 award is given to the applicant with the boldest profile. No issue for graphic design scholarship seekers into digital art. Use your multimedia design skills to create a bold profile.

  • Amount: $25,000
  • Deadline: October 1, 2020
  • Winner Announced: May 20, 2023

Network After Work Grant

Networking is key in any profession. Graphic design is no different. Game design, interior design, or graphic designers making time for higher education and networking have the right idea. Qualified candidates are passionate about both graphic design and networking.

  • Amount: $1,000
  • Deadline: September 1, 2022
  • Winner Announced: September 1, 2022

A Bold Life Scholarship

Eligible applicants with visual communications in their future should take a look at this bold life scholarship. A print and graphics scholarship is a scholarship that encourages creative leaps and jumps. Take a look at this A Bold life $1,000 scholarship with rolling deadlines until the winner is announced on August 23, 2022. 

  • Amount: $1,000
  • Deadline: December 31, 2022
  • Winner Announced: January 31, 2023

Matt Preziose Creative Scholarship

This award is for a late graphic designer with a passion for creativity. As a way to celebrate his passing and pass on his love for the arts this $1050 award was created. Graphic designer should apply by Sept. 5, 2022 for a chance to win. A winner will be announced Oct. 5, 2022 of the same year.

  • Amount: $1,000
  • Deadline: Decembe 31, 2022
  • Winner Announced: Jan 31, 2023

About Scholarships For Graphic Design

Are you a creative force on the field and off? Then scholarships for graphic design are a natural fit for creative hoping to pursue their passion at the collegiate level. These scholarships push forward the idea that graphic design scholarships are an essential form of financial assistance for qualified applicants.

What are Graphic Design Scholarships?

Scholarships for graphic design are a way to offset tuition costs and fees. Design scholarships help creative students, some with academic merit, some with just a passion for creative arts. These awards go to graphic design majors and those with a passion for graphic arts.

What Qualifies As Scholarships For Graphic Design

Graphic Design Student Scholarship

Scholarships for graphic design help interested students or incoming freshmen afford their bachelor’s degree but there is also assistance if you are a graduate student. Future graphic designers are disciplined hard workers that go after what they want. A graphic design scholarship recognizes that creative spirit. Graphic design scholarships are awards that reward artistic merit in the graphic design field.

How to Find Scholarships For Graphic Design

Bold.org is a great place to start. The best way to find these graphic design scholarships is through killer keyword selection when filtering through the many scholarship opportunities offered on their site. Another good resource is a good keyword search on google about graphic design scholarships to see what might be cropping up.

Tips for Winning Scholarships For Graphic Design

Keeping a creative portfolio for this kind of scholarship is imperative. Graphic design scholarships often want students with good academic standing, and with plans to attend or are currently attending an accredited college working towards an undergraduate degree.

Frequently Asked Questions About Graphic Design Scholarships

Are graphic design scholarships legit?

Fine arts scholarships are much more common than expected. Students pursuing careers in graphic arts should expect to make a difference in their financial aid programs. An accredited four-year college should not have an issue with outside scholarships like this one.

How can I improve my chances of winning graphic design scholarships?

You can improve your chances of winning this scholarship by being honest in any requested personal statement and by putting your passion for decorative arts front and center. Being yourself and applying as soon as you can are key to improving any chances.

How many scholarships for graphic design can you get?

There’s no limit to the number of design scholarships you can have while pursuing a higher education degree in graphic design. Get as many as you can and never stop applying.

Are scholarships for graphic design taxable income?

The good news is college students do not have to worry about dealing with taxes. All educational grants are tax-free. These scholarships are non-taxable income.

What’s the best way to apply for graphic design scholarships?

Apply fast and before each deadline to increase your chances of winning. Use honesty and integrity each step of the way.

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