What Is SAT Testing?

What Is SAT Testing?

The SAT® is an optional standardized test taken by students during their junior and senior years of high school. SAT® testing scores are then used by many colleges when considering admission and acceptance. “SAT” used to be an acronym that stood for Scholastic Aptitude Test, but this is no longer the case; today, the test…

What is the SAT Test?

What is the SAT Test?

The SAT® test is a college preparatory exam devised to give an idea of a student’s competency with basic skills in mathematics, reading and writing. Since the early 20th century, the SAT® test has been a major source of information for colleges and has served as a benchmark of public education. Some critics argue that…

What Is SAT® Test Prep?

What Is SAT® Test Prep?

The SAT® is an examination administered to high school students by the Educational Testing Service and the College Board in the United States. It is a standardized test that is used to help colleges determine the abilities of potential students. Most individuals who apply for admission into universities in the United States are required to…