Editor’s Pick 🏆

  • Good for Personalized Tutoring: Learner
  • Good for Replicating the Classroom: Kumon
  • Good for Program Variety: Sylvan

Does your child feel like they don’t get the support they need from school? Are you looking for private math tutors but don’t know where to start? Perhaps you’ve heard about the numerous benefits of online tutoring, including boosting student confidence and self-esteem, as well as fostering positive attitudes toward school. If you’re wondering which tutoring route will work best for your family, this article will give you the detailed information you need to make the right decision.

Specifically, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of Kumon, Sylvan, and Learner. These three tutoring platforms offer a wide range of high-quality math tutoring services, but there are significant differences in tutor qualifications, teaching philosophy, student satisfaction, and results across each company. 

To help you decide which tutoring company is right for you, we’ll take a detailed look at each platform’s academic results, customer reviews, pricing structure, tutor quality, and more. Whatever your child’s needs and academic goals, we’re confident that you’ll find a math tutor who has the right approach to help them succeed in school and build confidence in their abilities.

Here are the highlights of our research, which we’ll expand on below:

Quick Facts

Product QualityKumon offers rigorous and repetition-focused programs in reading and math. Some students thrive in such a structured environment, while others struggle with the workload (which includes additional homework) and lack of flexibility.Sylvan is a well-established company with learning centers located across the United States and around the world. Most Sylvan tutors are knowledgeable and helpful, and they can help with a wide range of school subjects, including math.Learner students receive a customized learning plan, created for them by an experienced and highly qualified math tutor. Learner’s online platform encourages communication and collaboration, and Learner has excellent reviews, especially for boosting student confidence and helping them succeed in math class.
Academic ResultsAccording to Kumon, students typically make rapid progress, sometimes achieving math skills that are over a year ahead of the national average.Sylvan says that students often see a 2x improvement in academic performance in math (3x improvement in reading) by combining Sylvan tutoring and schoolwork.Most Learner students begin to notice an improvement in their math grades within a few weeks of starting to work with their online math tutor.
DeliveryMostly in-person, with some online instructionMostly in-person, with some online instructionOnline
PricingDepends on the center, but typically ranges from $150 to $200 per monthSylvan math tutoring typically costs around $40 to $100 per hour, depending on the center.Learner tutors typically charge around $65 to $90 per hour, though the first session is heavily discounted for all clients.
SupportKumon’s sessions primarily involve independent work, though students can ask for help from Kumon staff as they tackle the required worksheets.Sylvan offers a wide range of tutoring services. Depending on the plan you sign up for, this may involve one-on-one or small-group tutoring, or you can sign up for intensive courses and summer camps.All tutors are teaching professionals who guide students through their individual plans, designed to support their unique learning needs and goals. Sessions are recorded, and communication among parents, tutors, and students is facilitated through the online platform. 

Why You Should Consider Online Tutoring

Tutoring is a great option for families hoping to help their children “catch up” in class, increase their confidence and enjoyment of school, build good study habits, and work on additional challenges beyond what is covered in the classroom. 

You’re probably familiar with in-person tutoring programs, like Kumon and Sylvan, where students attend sessions (primarily after school or on weekends) at a local learning center. Other private tutors may work independently, coming to the pupil’s home or meeting at a local coffee shop. 

If you choose a reputable and well-established platform, online tutoring offers the same results as in-person tutoring—with some additional benefits—and is becoming increasingly common in our post-pandemic world. 

Companies such as Learner focus exclusively on online tutoring and are known for hiring the best online math tutors. Online tutoring allows families to connect with some of the best teachers in their respective subjects, as they are not limited to those who live nearby or who work at a local learning center. Instead, their tutor can be an experienced subject expert who lives hundreds of miles away.

Learner specializes in creating tutoring plans centered around each individual and their unique learning style and goals. All sessions are conducted via a virtual learning environment designed to facilitate communication and collaboration, making the tutoring experience as seamless as it would be face-to-face. 

With video chatting and resource-sharing tools, tutors and students can work together in real-time. The online setup makes it easy for parents to keep track of their child’s progress and ask questions directly. Online tutoring is also a great way for students to develop their digital literacy skills, which will be vital in college and in the workplace.

Many students prefer working with an online tutor as they receive the instructor’s undivided attention in a distraction-free environment, as opposed to a busy learning center where the tutor may be working with several students at once. It’s a great change of pace from the stress of being in a classroom and having to keep up with classmates and compete for the teacher’s attention. 

Online tutoring allows students to work with their tutors from the comfort of their own homes. It’s also incredibly convenient; most online tutors offer flexible hours, including mornings, evenings, and weekends. This eliminates the need to drive to learning centers and fit tutoring sessions between busy after-school schedules. 

Kumon Overview 

For over 60 years, Kumon has helped students improve their math and reading abilities using a rigorous, structured method that revolves around incremental learning and daily practice.

What Is Kumon? 

The Kumon Method was initially developed in 1954 by a Japanese math teacher named Toru Kumon, who designed the method for his own son. Nowadays, the Kumon Method is followed by tutoring centers that provide reading and math instruction to school-aged children in dozens of countries.


Mr. Kumon believed that small, incremental assignments would help his son master math. By sixth grade, young Takeshi was solving calculus problems. Kumon learning centers embody this approach. Kumon students work their way through a structured program of worksheets. They complete around 30 minutes of assigned work from Kumon each day at home and come to the learning center twice a week. 

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Kumon has incorporated some online tutoring, although most instruction is delivered independently or at a local learning center.

The Kumon Method stresses independent learning, though students can ask for help when they come into the center. The key is to master a concept completely before moving on to the next set of skills.  


  • Students master concepts through structured repetition 
  • Promotes good study habits
  • Children develop the ability to work and learn independently
  • Students can get help with reading and/or math
  • Well-established program that has worked for thousands of students


  • Some students find the worksheets repetitive and dislike getting additional daily homework
  • Families usually need to live near a learning center
  • No one-on-one instruction
  • May not be suitable for some learning styles
  • Kumon center assistants aren’t always qualified teachers or subject experts

The Bottom Line: Kumon combines a proven incremental assignment approach with in-person learning to ensure that students pass exams, reach academic goals, and create good study habits, though not all children will thrive without individual attention.

How Does Kumon Work?

The Kumon Method involves giving children incremental assignments in reading or math to complete each day. The assignments take around thirty minutes and are usually completed at home, although students attend the learning center twice a week.


Unlike many tutoring companies, Kumon does not allow students to bring in their schoolwork or prepare for exams during sessions.

At Kumon learning centers, children have access to an experienced Kumon instructor who creates a lesson plan and sets goals for the student in each subject being tutored. Kumon assistants are also on hand to help with assignments, encouraging students to seek out assistance when needed. 

However, these staff members are not really tutors—they don’t work with the student one-on-one except when help is needed. The focus is clearly on independent learning. 

How Much Does Kumon Tutoring Cost? 

The monthly cost of Kumon tutoring is typically around $150 to $200 per subject (plus around $50 in registration fees), though the specific price depends on the location of the tutoring center and the subjects covered. 

What Are Customers Saying About Kumon? 

On the whole, Kumon has earned positive feedback from families, with most parents happy with their child’s progress. For many students, the rigorous and highly structured curriculum produces results, as it ensures that each concept is fully understood before moving on.

Some parents found this frustrating, as their children were repeating topics that had already been covered in school, sometimes in previous grade levels. However, for students who are able to tackle the challenge of independent learning and can cope with the workload, there is little chance of forgetting the content covered in Kumon’s worksheets.

Not all families were pleased with the Kumon Method, and it doesn’t appear suitable for all children. In some reviews, parents said that they wished their child had received more one-on-one support at the learning center. 

Not all children have the same ability to figure things out for themselves, and those who needed additional support often struggled with the Kumon Method. Some parents also commented that they weren’t always kept informed about their child’s progress. 

Another common theme was that Kumon’s center assistants were somewhat inexperienced. Although they were able to provide help with the worksheets, they were not subject experts or professional educators who could adapt their approach to a student’s individual needs. 

Despite that, many students had positive feedback about the friendliness and helpfulness of the staff at the learning centers. It’s also worth remembering that each Kumon center is an independent business, so the customer experience can vary significantly depending on location.

Sylvan Overview

Sylvan Learning Centers are located throughout the United States, Canada, and many other countries. They provide elementary, middle, and high school students with support for their school curriculum in subjects such as math, English, foreign languages, science, and more. 

Students can attend regular tutoring sessions, summer camps, or intensive test prep courses to get help with homework or develop important study skills.  

What Is Sylvan? 

Sylvan Learning is a well-known chain of tutoring and educational centers. They offer a variety of programs and services to help students improve their academic skills in subjects like math, reading, and writing. These centers often cater to students from kindergarten through high school.

Sylvan provides a “Sylvan Assessment” to get a sense of your child’s needs and creates a personalized lesson plan before the tutoring program commences.


Their curriculum closely aligns with national, state, and provincial K-12 education standards in order to produce tangible results in the classroom. This tutoring program prioritizes communication so that the child’s parents and school are kept in the loop about their progress. 

At Sylvan Learning Centers, students receive a significant amount of individualized attention to help them master the customized curriculum and develop good study skills and homework habits. 


  • Academic support is available in many subjects, including college prep
  • Sylvan instructors can help with math homework 
  • A variety of tutoring setups are available, including online and one-on-one sessions
  • Sylvan is a well-known company with learning centers around the world


  • Long-term tutoring can become quite expensive, and prices vary significantly between Sylvan locations
  • Not all families saw the promised results
  • The learning center environment can feel similar to school
  • The teaching approach is not always tailored to the student’s learning style

The Bottom Line: Located around the globe, Sylvan’s learning centers provide assistance in various academic subjects, including math, helping students develop good study habits and master challenging topics so that they are better prepared for school.

How Does Sylvan Work?

The Sylvan Insight process helps determine what kind of help students need, allowing the center to create a plan based on their areas of academic weakness. This learning plan will also align with local and national standards so that the student’s progress at Sylvan also translates to success in the classroom. 

There are many reasons why families seek out Sylvan tutoring, and many types of academic assistance are offered. Depending on the student’s grade level and subject, they may take part in intensive tutoring, academic coaching, summer camps, or test prep courses. 

Most tutoring sessions take place at a Sylvan Learning Center, though there is also an option for online sessions. This greatly expands the accessibility of Sylvan tutoring, though not all programs are offered virtually. 

How Much Does Sylvan Tutoring Cost?

It’s difficult to succinctly state the cost of Sylvan tutoring, as this varies based on the location of the learning center and the specific type of tutoring needed (e.g., academic coaching vs. test prep vs. summer camp). A very rough estimate would be $40 to $100 per hour for tutoring, with financing options available. 

Interested parents should contact their local Sylvan center directly for a more accurate picture of the cost based on their requirements.

What Are Customers Saying About Sylvan?

There are many well-liked aspects of Sylvan Learning Centers. Parents frequently comment that attending sessions at Sylvan has had a positive impact on their child’s confidence and enjoyment of learning, especially in reading and math.

sylvan review

Although not all families saw the drastic improvement in grades that they were expecting, most Sylvan students developed better study habits. Some parents were very pleased with the progress their children made in school while working with Sylvan, though others noticed a discrepancy between their progress according to Sylvan and their actual academic results.

The variety of academic programs offered by Sylvan is another popular feature, as families can access academic support during the school year and over the summer. Sylvan can help students with practically any academic subject, though the cost of long-term tutoring can become prohibitively expensive for some families. 

One of the key criticisms of Sylvan is that students don’t always receive much one-on-one attention during sessions. Tutors have to divide their focus among several students at the same time, so less-confident students may miss out on the help they need. 

Like Kumon, each Sylvan Learning Center is a franchise, so the quality of the tutoring and the engagement of students and tutors are likely to vary between centers.

Learner Overview 

Learner Overview

Learner offers a new approach to math tutoring that is becoming increasingly popular with parents and students. Learner tutors work with students through the company’s online platform, making it one of the most convenient ways to connect with an experienced subject expert. 

Though a relatively new company, Learner is quickly earning a reputation for guiding students of all ages, learning styles, and abilities to academic success.

What Is Learner? 

Though most families seek out Learner tutors for help with math, this online privatetutoring platform also provides expert assistance with English, Language Arts, chemistry, physics, and ACT/SAT Math test prep. 

The platform caters to students from early elementary school to college and beyond—even adults hoping to improve their math skills have found success with Learner.

Students are paired with a highly experienced education professional who is an expert on the specific subject the student needs help with. After consulting with the parents and Learner’s education specialist, the tutor builds a learning plan around the student’s needs, ensuring that it aligns with their academic goals and preferred learning approach. 

Every session is conducted through the platform from the comfort of the student’s own home; all they need to connect is Internet access and a device. Students work with the same tutor each time, which encourages trust, builds confidence, and helps them make swift progress with their tutoring plan. 


  • Learner tutors are subject experts with relevant qualifications (at least a bachelor’s degree in their subject)
  • Students are carefully matched with a tutor who they will work with every time
  • Online sessions allow students to schedule convenient tutoring times and attend from home
  • Learner’s cutting-edge online learning platform encourages frequent communication
  • Tutor-matching process helps ensure customer satisfaction
  • The first session is always heavily discounted
  • Tutors are available for all ages and grade levels, from elementary school to college


  • Tutors charge different hourly rates based on their experience, which makes the most qualified instructors relatively expensive 
  • Although most students enjoy the convenience of online tutoring, some may prefer to attend sessions at school or at a learning center

The Bottom Line: Learner matches students with the ideal tutor for their subject, grade level, and academic needs, connecting them with a highly experienced teacher. The virtual learning environment is convenient and easy to use and makes Learner’s online tutoring an excellent alternative to traditional learning centers.

How Does Learner Work? 

The first step is to get matched with the right Learner tutor. Prospective clients complete a short but thorough online questionnaire and then have the chance to speak with one of the company’s education specialists. This ensures that each student is paired with the best instructor for their learning style and academic goals.

how does learner works

Every student can try Learner risk-free, with a $25 initial session and no further commitment unless they want to keep going with the program. 

The education specialist ensures that students are happy with their tutor and will help arrange a swap in the unlikely event that the tutor isn’t the right fit. All Learner tutors have significant teaching and tutoring experience in their subject, and only those with a track record of student achievement are invited to join Learner’s tutoring team. 

The student works with the same tutor during each session, building a rapport and quickly adjusting to the tutoring program. Each student will receive an individualized learning plan from their tutor that forms the basis for their sessions, though this can be adapted as needed. 

Students can focus on topics from their math classes that they find challenging, work on enrichment activities, or prepare for upcoming school or standardized tests, including the SAT and ACT.

Since all sessions take place via Learner’s online learning platform, they can be scheduled at convenient times to fit the student’s schedule, including before school, after school, in the evenings, or on weekends. 

Online tutoring means that students aren’t limited to tutors who live in their local area, but can work with the best tutor for their needs, regardless of where they are located. 

The virtual learning environment comes close to replicating the feel of a face-to-face lesson, with video chat, a document upload feature, lesson recordings, and posted feedback after every session.

How Much Does Learner Cost? 

Learner tutors set their hourly rates based on their educational and professional qualifications, the subject being taught, and their years of teaching and tutoring experience. This means that each customer will have a somewhat different pricing structure, which also depends on factors such as the frequency of sessions and the length of the tutoring arrangement. 

As a rough guide, tutors typically charge around $65 to $90 per session, though the first session is always $25, with no further commitment required. Families can consult with Learner’s education specialist to set up the best tutoring plan for their child’s educational needs and their budget.

What Are Customers Saying About Learner? 

Learned has received a significant amount of positive feedback from its customers. Parents consistently praise the quality of the tutors, who are friendly, reliable, professional, and highly experienced.

Many customers have commented on how the personal tutoring plans and specific targets have kept students on track with their learning, leading to measurable achievement in the classroom and on standardized tests. Most families were very impressed with their tutor’s subject knowledge, their responsiveness to unique learning needs, and how well they were able to develop a rapport with their students.

Although some parents commented that it was hard to ascertain the specifics of Learner’s pricing structure, they were pleased with the support they received from the education specialist, who not only helped with the tutor-matching process but also with creating a tutoring program to fit their budget. 

Learner has received high praise for its virtual learning environment, with many parents extolling the benefits of online tutoring. They enjoyed the convenience, flexibility, and ease with which they could communicate with their child’s tutor and keep track of their progress.

Kumon vs. Sylvan vs. Learner – Similarities

Kumon, Sylvan, and Learner offer tutoring services that aim to build a strong foundation in mathematics (among other academic subjects) and encourage students to feel confident in their abilities. This is accomplished through creating a learning plan unique to each student, taking into account their academic goals and any weaknesses they may have in their skills and subject knowledge.

All three platforms cater to K-12 students who may be enrolled in a variety of different math courses (though Learner also offers instruction to high schoolers, college students, and adults). Another similarity is that Kumon and Sylvan both offer online tutoring options, though these are not nearly as extensive as Learner’s virtual learning environment.

On the whole, all three companies are known for the friendliness and professionalism of their tutors and their good customer service. Most parents were pleased with how their child’s math grades improved as a result of enrolling in the tutoring program, as well as their overall enjoyment of the subject.

Kumon vs. Sylvan vs. Learner – Differences

Although Kumon, Sylvan, and Learner all offer math tutoring services, there are significant differences between them. 

One of the biggest differences is that Kumon and Sylvan are primarily in-person programs based at local learning centers, whereas Learner exclusively offers online tutoring through its virtual learning platform. This means that Kumon and Sylvan are limited to hiring tutors who live in the vicinity of the center. On the other hand, Learner can hire the best math tutors, regardless of where they live. 

Similarly, Learner is known for its exceptional tutor quality. Learner tutors always have at least a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field (sometimes with additional degrees), as well as several years of teaching or tutoring experience. 

All Learner tutors are carefully vetted to make sure they can successfully design tutoring plans for a wide range of students of various levels, ages, and abilities, and implement them to achieve successful academic results. Kumon and Sylvan appear to be less stringent in their hiring processes, though they do have required training so that all staff can provide effective assistance in the learning centers. 

At Kumon, students exclusively follow the Kumon Method, which involves completing a series of worksheets on each topic to ensure that they have a secure knowledge base. Kumon assigns around 30 minutes of work each day, with two sessions per week at the learning center. Students are not permitted to work on school assignments during these sessions. On the other hand, Sylvan also has its own curriculum and uses the Sylvan Insight process, but tutors can provide assistance with school tasks. 

Learner’s approach depends on the student and their level but may involve a combination of help with homework tasks, practice on topics that the student finds challenging, and critical thinking tasks to further the student’s understanding. 

During sessions at a Kumon learning center, students work independently on their worksheets but may ask for assistance when needed. 

At Sylvan, students may work in a small group, one-on-one, or in a classroom-style environment, depending on which program they are enrolled in. 

Learner sessions are always conducted virtually, ensuring that the student has the tutor’s undivided attention throughout the session. They have the opportunity to attempt challenging tasks for themselves but always have a highly experienced subject expert ready to jump in with whatever help they may need. 

Learner students work with the same tutor in every session, following a tutor-matching process designed to ensure compatibility. With Kumon and Sylvan, students are likely to work with a number of different tutors, depending on when their sessions take place. 

Learner’s math tutoring service is suitable for a wider range of ages and levels than Kumon or Sylvan. Kumon and Sylvan specialize in K-12 math, whereas college students and adults can also benefit from working with a Learner tutor, whether they are enrolled in an advanced course such as calculus or statistics, studying for a graduate school entrance exam, or trying to brush up on their math skills for a professional reason.

Kumon vs. Sylvan vs. Learner: Which Is Best? 

As we will discuss below, Learner is our overall pick for math tutoring. However, if you would prefer an in-person option at a local learning center (some students do better in more traditional classroom settings), there are unique reasons to choose either Kumon or Sylvan. 

With its focus on repetition and building a strong foundation, the Kumon Method is a good option for young students who are naturally independent learners and do well following a structured program. 

Kumon favors students who can handle having an increased workload outside of their usual homework tasks. Those who are able to follow the program as directed will likely see a significant improvement in their school grades, even though they won’t be able to get help on homework tasks from Kumon staff. 

The Kumon Method is a good way to build confidence and understanding, as long as students have the initiative to work through problems on their own before seeking help. As Kumon does not provide much individual attention, successful students will need to be fairly self-reliant. 

These are excellent qualities to develop, but not all students will have a personality or learning style that matches the Kumon Method. 

On the other hand, Sylvan is preferable for students who want to attend in-person sessions at a learning center and receive more support. As Sylvan offers a wide range of academic programs and covers many different subjects, you’re likely to find one that fits your child’s needs, though one-on-one and academic coaching programs can be quite expensive. 

Sylvan is also a better choice than Kumon in situations where students want to focus on specific schoolwork and homework tasks rather than general concepts. Sylvan’s test prep courses are especially good for intensive preparation for upcoming college entrance exams. 

For students who are open to online math tutoring, however, Learner has several advantages over Kumon and Sylvan. Many families enjoy the convenience of online tutoring rather than having to go to a learning center. Not only does this allow them to easily schedule sessions and learn from the comfort of home, but Learner also gives students access to a much wider range of experienced tutors than they would find at a local learning center.

Compared to Kumon and Sylvan, Learner’s tutoring covers the widest range of ages and grade levels, from early elementary school students to college students to adults. It also offers the most personalized learning plans, built entirely around the student’s unique learning preferences and academic goals. 

Of the three companies, Learner’s customer reviews are the most positive, consistently noting an improvement in grades and test scores, as well as increased confidence and a better attitude towards school and learning in general.

Why Learner Is Our Top Choice

We are confident in recommending Learner as our top choice for a math tutoring service. Although the concept of online tutoring may be new to many families, Learner’s virtual learning platform successfully recreates the experience of face-to-face tutoring—with many additional benefits.

Regardless of your child’s age, grade level, or additional learning needs, Learner will find the ideal tutor for your family. The matching process ensures that you work with a subject expert who has the relevant experience to guide your child to success. 

With the help of Learner’s education specialist, you can be confident that your child has been paired with the most suitable tutor, or you can swap to one who’s a better fit. The first session is always discounted, allowing families to try the program with no risk of an unwanted financial commitment.

online math student

Learner is known for having some of the best online math tutors available. Everyone who works for Learner has completed a thorough vetting process that goes beyond college degrees and teaching experience. Learner’s math tutors are friendly, personable, and professional educators who have guided former students to academic success. 

The ability of Learner’s tutors to connect with their students and understand their precise learning needs is what sets Learner apart from most other tutoring programs. 

In addition to the quality of its tutors, Learner’s safe and secure virtual learning platform is a major asset to the tutoring experience. Using video chat, students and tutors can work through topics together in real-time, collaborating on the same tasks just as they would in person. 

All sessions are recorded so students and parents can watch them later to help review the material, and the online platform helps everyone stay on the same page to keep track of the student’s progress. 

Lastly, Learner’s online sessions are incredibly convenient. Rather than having to rush to a learning center after school, families can schedule online tutoring sessions at times that work best for them, including in the morning and on weekends. Many students feel more comfortable at home than at a learning center, especially after a stressful day at school, so being able to connect with their tutor from anywhere they want is a major bonus that makes the tutoring process as easy as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

For families trying to choose the best tutoring company for their child, getting the decision right can seem overwhelming. We hope these answers to some common tutoring-related questions will give you a better idea of what to expect and what to consider when making your choice.

How much does tutoring cost?

Many factors affect the price of tutoring, including location, the tutor’s qualifications and experience, the subject being taught, and the student’s age and grade level. One-on-one tutoring is almost always more expensive than group tutoring. Independent private tutors may charge more than those based at a tutoring center, though this can also vary significantly. Online tutors may be able to charge less, as they have fewer overhead costs and don’t need to travel to attend sessions. High school students may charge as little as $10 per hour for a tutoring session, whereas qualified teachers with decades of tutoring experience may charge over $100 per hour. 

How much should I pay my tutor?

The amount you pay your tutor will depend on your family’s budget and the service you are receiving. There are many factors to consider, such as how many sessions your child will attend, whether it is one-on-one or group tutoring, and the experience level of the tutor. To make your tutoring experience as affordable as possible, consider online tutoring, which tends to be less expensive than face-to-face tutoring. 

Is a tutor worth it for your child?

Although every child is unique and will respond differently to a tutor, the vast majority of students can benefit from tutoring, especially in a one-on-one setting. Whether the goal is to help the child stay on track with their homework or provide stretch-and-challenge activities, the best tutors will deliver sessions based on the child’s strengths, weaknesses, and learning style, providing them with the extra assistance they need to reach their full potential. 

How can I find a tutor online?

There are several ways to find a tutor online, but it’s usually best to narrow your search for a reputable tutor by using a tutoring marketplace or an online tutoring platform. This will ensure that the private tutors have been carefully screened for qualifications and experience. Some families prefer to use a tutoring marketplace so they can read profiles and choose a tutor themselves, whereas others prefer to use a platform like Learner that can custom-match their child with a tutor who has the subject knowledge and teaching experience for their unique needs.

Is online tutoring better?

There are many reasons why families are increasingly choosing online tutoring. In addition to being convenient and easy to access, online tutoring significantly expands the pool of possible tutors. Thanks to online tutoring, regardless of where they live, students can work with one of the nation’s best online math tutors and know that the standard of education will be top-notch. However, some students may prefer the experience of face-to-face, in-person learning, in which case attending sessions at a local learning center will be a better fit.

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