If your child is struggling with math, there’s an easy solution to the problem: hiring a private math tutor. For many students, receiving an extra helping hand on math homework, lessons, and exam preparation can help make a tricky subject like math far more approachable and enjoyable. 

Tutoring has become a part of the modern academic landscape in almost every grade. An increasing number of families have been turning to online tutoring, especially as more and more schools have been forced into an online classroom. Whether your child is trying to figure out long division in elementary math or falling behind in Algebra 1, there’s a great math tutor out there to help solve your problems. In this article, we will discuss the important factors to consider when searching for a tutor, and how to find the right tutor for you and your child. 

Important Factors to Consider Before Your Search

Before you begin searching for online tutors, you will want to reflect on the factors discussed below. Thinking about these factors will help guide your search for the best math tutor for you. 

What does your child need help with? 

First things first: does your child need a math tutor? There are numerous reasons why your child might be struggling with math. If your child is juggling too many after-school activities or is grappling with confidence issues, these are both factors that could be influencing their current math grades or test scores. 

Consult with your child’s teacher and try to get to the bottom of the issue before moving forward. If your child does need math tutoring, ask for further guidance on their learning situation. A teacher can help provide information on what math skills and concepts a child needs help with and how often a child should meet with a tutor. Additionally, you will want to learn more about your child’s learning style. Would your child benefit from a tutor who is super involved, or do they just need a gentle nudge in the right direction? Any contextual information you can provide a tutor can only benefit your child’s learning experience. 

What is Your Math Tutoring Budget?

On average, math tutoring costs approximately $40 per hour. Rates typically start at about $25  per hour and can cost up to $80 per hour. That said, hourly rates for a math tutor vary widely across the board. Your child’s age and grade level, along with the tutor’s expertise and level of education, are all elements that are factored into tutoring rates. Keep in mind, quality isn’t always quantity. Securing the best tutor for your child does not mean you need to match them with the most expensive tutor. Finding a suitable yet financially sustainable tutor for you is certainly possible.

To figure out your tutoring budget, consider how often you want your child to receive lessons, and how much you can afford to spend on tutoring every month. Also, think about what your top tutoring priorities are. Is there anything you are willing to compromise on to make math tutoring a possibility for your child, and a financially viable option for your family? 

How to Find a Math Tutor

How to Find a Math Tutor for Your Child

Now that you have figured out what type of tutor your child needs and your tutoring budget, you can finally start your search for a math tutor! Here are some of the different ways you can navigate this process. 

Search for Math Tutors Online

While your child’s teacher and your local community are fantastic resources to turn to, you will certainly find the most math tutoring options available online. If your child does well in an online learning environment, then hiring an online math tutor may be the best option for you. One of the biggest benefits of working with an online tutor? The number of available tutoring services expands tenfold. With online tutoring, you no longer are limited to local tutors who work in your hometown or district. Within minutes, any learner can be connected to an expert in a subject they need help in, from K-12 reading and math to advanced computer science or linear algebra. Additionally, your child can work with a tutor anytime and anywhere, making this an extremely convenient and affordable option. 

With so many online math tutoring services at your fingertips, it can be hard to compare tutors and know which ones will provide the best tutoring experience. To make things easy for you, we’ve handpicked the top three online math tutoring services available. 

Talk to Your Child’s Teacher

When it comes to your child’s education, talking to their teacher is always a great first place to start. Not only will your child’s teacher know about various tutoring options, but they will also know about the type of tutoring your child will respond to best. 

Having an open conversation with a teacher about your priorities will also benefit you in the long run. Looking for math tutors on a budget? A teacher may know of more affordable resources that you can turn to for assistance. If you are looking for experts in a specific math subject or someone who specializes in working with students with disabilities, a teacher may be able to recommend someone to you. 

Additionally, even if a teacher doesn’t have all the answers you need, they can connect you to someone who does. Whether that’s another teacher, or a parent who’s been through it all before, talking to your child’s teacher is a great place to kickstart your search for private tutors.

Consult Community Resources

Chances are, you are not the first person in your community who has sought out an online math tutor. Consult your community library or a local university for more information on math tutors or tutoring agencies in the area. Depending on where you live, your hometown or city may even have its own education or tutoring center!

Top 3 Online Math Services for Your Child

1. Learner

Learner tutors

Founded by established and passionate educators, Learner offers something for math students of all ages and skill levels. Both one-on-one and group sessions are offered in various math subjects. If a client opts for one-on-one tutoring, Learner is committed to providing students with customized lesson plans that suit their needs. Grade level, learning style, and goals will all be factored into each and every lesson plan. Learner provides feedback after every tutoring session, which allows parents to track their child’s learning process and improvement. Feedback sessions are also a great opportunity for parents or tutees to voice any questions or concerns. To top that off, online sessions are also recorded. If you or your child want to go back and review a specific math problem, you will be able to do so. 

Learner also has a rigorous vetting process in place. Not only does Learner have a four-year college degree requirement for its tutors, but it also requires that tutors already have several years of experience under their belts. Pricing starts at $40 per hour. 


  • Complimentary first session and 100% money-back guarantee
  • Thorough vetting process
  • An advanced online platform that works across devices
  • Interactive sessions that are recorded for review later
  • Feedback included in each session
  • Customized lesson plans 


  • Not as affordable as other tutoring services
  • Not designed for on-demand assistance

2. Wyzant


With options for both online and in-person tutoring, Wyzant is a great service for clients that know exactly what type of tutor they want. After filling out an initial questionnaire, Wyzant will provide you with a list of available tutors that suit your needs. Tutors will differ in terms of qualifications and hourly rates, which can help inform your final decision. Wyzant includes a complimentary first hour of services and a money-back guarantee. The average hourly rate is $40. 

Wyzant has more than 80,000 instructors in their network to assist students in a wide range of subjects. The Wyzant website also provides students with ready-to-go lesson plans. If students want to get familiar with a particular math subject or quiz themselves on a certain skill, they can do so before booking a tutor. 


  • Large network of tutors
  • Free first hour and money-back guarantee
  • No contracts or packages are required, you simply pay for the time you use


  • With no customized matching process, it may take time to secure the right tutor
  • Pricing varies by the tutor
  • Students must choose their own tutor based on minimal information

3. Varsity Tutors

varsity tutors

With more than 40,000 tutors that specialize in over 2,500 subjects, Varsity Tutors has a large network of tutors to work with. Additionally, tutees also have the choice to work with a tutor one-on-one or join a larger group course. One of the unique features utilized by this service is their Instant Tutoring tool. This service allows students to connect with a tutor in a matter of seconds for quick homework questions. This innovative service also utilizes an app that lets tutors and students edit documents and work on math problems collaboratively. This makes Varsity Tutors a particularly great option for high school students who are on the go and juggling a particularly busy schedule.

Varsity Tutors guarantees a thorough vetting process for its tutors that involves background checks and interviews. That said, the quality of each tutoring session largely depends on which tutor you are matched with. Varsity Tutors matches tutors with students using an algorithm that factors in schedule, educational needs, learning style, proficiency, and goals. 

Pricing costs around $50 per hour. Once hours are purchased, they can be shared across all subjects and among family members. 


  • Offers Instant Tutoring service
  • Promises a thorough vetting process


  • Pricing is not available upfront and is relatively expensive
  • Quality of services varies from tutor to tutor
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