Find a full list of accredited colleges offering physical therapy degrees in Virginia with our search platform or by visiting the school profiles below. Physical therapy programs at Virginia universities are exceedingly competitive programs with a reputation for academic excellence.
Students will be best served if they hold a bachelor’s degree in a related field of study such as anatomy or kinesiology prior to applying for admissions. Virginia physical therapy programs are generally structured to last 3 years-time plus time spent in a qualifying residency program.
A residency program helps students apply classroom knowledge in a real-world, clinical setting under the direct supervision of a licensed therapist. Students completing the program will earn an MPT or DPT from the university which qualifies them to then apply for licensure from the Virginia state PT board. Explore your PT options from top-rated Virginia colleges and get degree information, career insights, and educational tools across our expansive digital library today.
Many students looking at schools in Virginia will also apply to programs in nearby states. Take a look at these scholarships for Maryland students if you want to broaden your search.
List of Physical Therapy Schools in Virginia (10 Schools)
The Virginia physical therapy schools listed below are accredited by the, which is an organization that provides accreditation for physical therapy education nationwide.
Schools are sorted by size with the largest physical therapy schools first, based on the number of medical student graduates per year.
Shenandoah University (SU) in Richmond, VA
- Visit the website for Shenandoah University at
- Program Details: About 20 students graduate per year
Virginia Commonwealth University in Roanoke, VA
- Visit the website for Virginia Commonwealth University at
- Program Details: About 20 students graduate per year
Lynchburg College (LC) in Middletown, VA
- Visit the website for Lynchburg College at
- Program Details: About 20 students graduate per year
Old Dominion University in Annandale, VA
- Visit the website for Old Dominion University at
- Program Details: About 20 students graduate per year
Marymount University (Mary Washington College) in Fredericksburg, VA
- Visit the website for Marymount University at
- Program Details: About 20 students graduate per year
Mary Baldwin College (MBC) in Lynchburg, VA
- Visit the website for Mary Baldwin College at
- Program Details: About 20 students graduate per year
University of North Georgia in Arlington, VA
- Visit the website for at
- Program Details: About 20 students graduate per year
Radford University (PVCC) in Charlottesville, VA
- Visit the website for Radford University at
- Program Details: About 20 students graduate per year
Hampton University (HSC, Hampden-Sydney, H-SC) in Hampden-Sydney, VA
- Visit the website for Hampton University at
- Program Details: About 20 students graduate per year
Emory and Henry College in Virginia Beach, VA
- Visit the website for Emory and Henry College at
- Program Details: About 20 students graduate per year
Salaries for physicians in Virginia can range from $60,000 to $117,000. Physicians can work in many types of specialties which may cause a large range in salary expectations. Here is a list of average annual salaries for general practitioners working in major cities in Virginia.
- Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Newport News: $84,000
- Richmond: $85,000
- Roanoke: $87,000
- Charlottesville: $87,000
- Winchester: $83,000
Doctor’s in Virginia Compared to Median Income Averages
- +295% Above State Median Income
- +283% Above National Median Income
Doctor’s in Virginia take home an average 74.00 per hour. Annual earnings for Doctor’s working in the State of Virginia average $154,900 which is 295% above the state median income and 283% above the national median income for all occupations.
Employment for a Doctor makes up just of the working population in Virginia and is limited due to the specific qualifications required along with the schooling involved in this career path. The increasing demand for qualified Doctors coupled with the educational barrier to enter the field is met with a steady supply of eager college graduates anxious to make a long-lasting impact in the lives of others in and around Virginia.
Average Income for a Doctor in Virginia
Employment | Median Hourly Wage | Median Annual Wage | |
Virginia Doctor | 54,210 | $74.00 | $154,900 |
State Average | 3,527,540.00 | $18.75 | $39,000.00 |
National Average | 155,760,000.00 | $19.33 | $35,977.00 |
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, NCES, O*NET Online
Notes: Tuition & fee amounts are for both Virginia in-state residents and out of state students, unless noted otherwise. The tuition information displayed is an estimate, which we calculated based on historical data and should be solely used for informational purposes only. Please contact the respective doctor school for information about the current school year.
Source: IPEDS Survey 2012-2020: Data obtained from the US Dept. of Education’s Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Data may vary depending on school and academic year.
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