Law School Admissions Test (LSAT®) scholarships are financial awards to help applicants pay the cost of the LSAT® and the cost of courses that provide training to take the test. The LSAT® covers areas such as logical reasoning, analytical reasoning, and reading comprehension. Law schools use the LSAT® score as a factor in deciding whether to accept an applicant. The different types of LSAT® scholarships include awards to applicants based on financial need and scholarships awarded to minorities. Private law firms, law schools, and various non-profit organizations fund LSAT® scholarships and develop criteria for awarding them to applicants.

Some LSAT® scholarships are awarded to applicants based on their financial need. To qualify, an applicant must usually provide proof of receiving financial aid through his college or university. If an applicant is not enrolled as a student, then he may submit a copy of his last tax return. Usually, the financial aid or tax information may not be more than one-year-old.

female student with backpack

Other LSAT® scholarships are awarded to minorities. Classification as a minority depends on the jurisdiction. Generally, a minority is a person who falls into a racial or ethnic group. For instance, in the US, individuals who are African Americans, Native Americans, or Hispanic Americans are classified as minorities. The intention of these scholarships is to promote diversity in law schools and in the legal profession. 

Some organizations may restrict their LSAT® scholarships to specific minority groups instead of any minority group. For example, an organization may choose to limit its award to applicants who are African Americans. This means applicants falling into any other category would not be eligible. 

Applicants seeking LSAT® scholarships must usually supply other information such as letters of recommendation and personal statements. Letters of recommendation can be from professors, instructors, employers, or anyone who knows the applicant. A personal statement is an essay from the applicant that provides background information such as unique achievements. The statement may also explain why the applicant wants to attend law school. 

man reading a book

Other requirements usually include a minimum grade point average (GPA), current enrollment in a college or university, and residency in a particular state or region. The GPA may be as low as a 2.5 or as high as a 3.5 depending on the sponsor of the scholarship. In some instances, an organization may want to interview applicants before making an award.

Law schools are a good resource for information on organizations that are granting LSAT® scholarships. Also, the companies that offer training courses for the LSAT® often have information on where to apply for scholarships. Since many private law firms grant LSAT® scholarships, an applicant should try contacting the bar association in his area for information as well.

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