Private education often comes with a hefty price tag, regardless of whether the institutions operate on a nonprofit or for-profit basis. The reality? Private colleges almost always have higher tuition fees. In the 2022-2023 school year, private school average annual tuition was nearly $30,000 more than public college tuition for four-year institutions.

Scholarships and federal student aid are crucial for managing these costs. To assist you in securing the best opportunities for private school scholarships, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of top scholarships available.

We’ve researched various sources, including online scholarship databases, to identify scholarship opportunities you can apply for as a private school student. Among these, stands out with a wide range of scholarships tailored to different interests, academic achievements, and financial needs. To make your scholarship search easier, we’ve compiled a list that includes scholarships for different academic levels, extracurricular involvement, and financial need. Simply scroll down to see if any scholarships match your criteria, and follow the links to apply with just a few clicks. It could be your chance to secure funding for your education!

Ready to make private education more affordable? Apply for scholarships to help you reduce tuition costs and achieve your academic goals. Don’t miss out— take the next step towards your future!

scholarships for private school

What Are Scholarships for Private Schools?

Scholarships for private schools are financial awards aimed at helping students manage the cost of tuition and related expenses. Many private schools offer their own scholarships based on factors like academic merit, financial need, or special talents.

In addition to school-specific scholarships, numerous nonprofit organizations provide financial assistance to students attending private schools, like Foundations and trusts also play a crucial role in funding private school education. Corporate sponsorships are another source of scholarship funding. Companies may sponsor scholarships as part of their corporate social responsibility initiatives or to nurture future talent in their industries.

Schools also receive substantial grants or funding for their students or incoming applicants from various sources, including alumni donations, philanthropic foundations, and corporate sponsorships.

Are you at a private high school trying to score a scholarship award for college? Take control of your future by starting your scholarship search now!

What Qualifies Someone for a Private School Scholarship?

Qualifying for a private school scholarship typically involves meeting several key criteria. Many scholarships are based on academic achievement or student achievement, requiring strong grades or high standardized test scores. Financial need is also a common factor, with need-based scholarships aimed at students from families with limited resources.

Special talents or skills in areas such as sports, music, or art can also be important, as well as demonstrated involvement in community service or leadership roles. Each scholarship has its own requirements, so it’s essential to review them carefully.

private school

Types of Scholarships for Private School Students

Private schools often provide several types of scholarship opportunities to attract incoming students. Here’s a closer look at the common types of scholarships available: 

Merit-Based Scholarships

Merit-based scholarships are awarded based on your academic performance, talents, or achievements. These scholarships recognize students who have demonstrated excellence in their studies or other areas, helping to cover tuition and other educational expenses.

Need-Based Scholarships

Private school students and families who have financial constraints and demonstrate financial need qualify for need-based scholarships. These scholarships are designed to assist students who need financial assistance in order to attend college. While not directly a scholarship, Federal Student Aid (like the FAFSA) is one example of a need-based program.

Student-Specific Scholarships

Student-specific scholarships target particular groups of students based on characteristics such as ethnicity, gender, or life circumstances. These scholarships are intended to support students with specific backgrounds or experiences, helping to promote diversity in higher education. For example, a private school might have a scholarship specifically for first-generation college students

Career-Specific Scholarships

Career-specific scholarships are provided to students pursuing degrees in particular fields or professions. These scholarships are intended to support students who are focused on specific career paths, helping them to gain the necessary education and training for their chosen profession. Whether you’re aspiring to be a teacher, doctor, engineer, or any other professional, a scholarship program might be designed for you. 

College-Specific Scholarships

College-specific scholarships are offered by individual colleges and universities. These scholarships are available to students who are enrolled or planning to enroll at that particular institution. These scholarships often last for the duration of a student’s study (as long as they uphold the minimum requirements).

How to Find Scholarships for Private Schools

You can find scholarships by checking your institution’s website or contacting your school’s financial aid office. You can also try researching private school scholarships online, and we recommend using, one of the best scholarship platforms for students. It’s free to use and takes a few seconds to create an account. With a free profile, you access hundreds of scholarships. Additionally, you can try asking friends and family, local businesses, or community centers to see if they know of any available opportunities. 

private school scholarship

How to Apply for Private School Scholarships: A Step-by-Step Guide

Applying for scholarships might feel overwhelming, but with a structured approach, you can reduce private school tuition through financial aid. Here’s a step-by-step guide specifically for private school students, outlining the application process on

Step 1: Visit

Start by visiting This platform offers hundreds of scholarships, including those specifically for private school students. Once you create a free account, you can move on to craft your student profile. 

Step 2: Complete Your Profile

Work on your profile and provide detailed information about yourself. You can include your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and other relevant information you wish to share with the scholarship donors. 

Step 3: Research Open Scholarships

Once comfortable with your profile, use’s curated scholarship pages and search feature to find opportunities. You can search for scholarships specifically designed for private school students or other types depending on your interests, field of study, hobbies, or background. 

Step 4: Review the Eligibility Criteria

Before applying, ensure you meet all the requirements for the scholarship. This might include specific academic standards, financial needs, or other criteria unique to private school students. Also, consider the deadline and whether you’re able to complete the necessary steps on time. 

Step 5: Work On Your Applications

After reviewing the requirements, start crafting your applications and compile any necessary documents, such as transcripts, letters of recommendation, or financial statements. If the scholarship requires an essay, take time to write a thoughtful and unique response, paying close attention to the word count and prompt. 

Step 6: Review and Submit Before the Deadline

Before submitting, review your application for any errors and ensure you provide all the required parts. Submit them well before the deadline to avoid any last-minute technical glitches or oversights. 

Step 7: Monitor Statuses and Explore Other Opportunities

Keep an eye on your dashboard for any scholarship updates or decisions. As you move forward, stay up-to-date on since it constantly updates with new scholarships. Stay consistent and proactive in your search. It will pay off! 

private school students

Tips for Winning a Private School Scholarship

Taking a proactive approach and being well-informed about the application process and requirements can definitely improve your chances of securing scholarships. Here are some tailored tips to consider:

Tip 1: Start Early

Getting a head start on your scholarship search gives you ample time to research, craft strong applications, and apply ahead of others. Begin as soon as possible to increase your chances of being among the early applicants.

Tip 2: Tailor Your Application

Each scholarship has its own criteria and goals, so make sure to customize your application to fit each one. Provide relevant details that highlight why you’re the ideal candidate for that particular scholarship.

Tip 3: Write a Strong Essay

If you apply for a scholarship that requires an essay or personal statement, use it as a chance to stand out and tell your side of the story. Share personal anecdotes, challenges you’ve faced, or how attending college will move you closer to your aspirations. 

Tip 4: Apply for Multiple Scholarships

The more scholarships you apply for, the higher your chances of winning. Every bit of financial support counts, so apply to as many scholarships as you can, not just the high-value ones.

Tip 5: Maintain Academic Performance

To keep receiving scholarship funding, continue to excel in your studies. Consistent academic performance shows your commitment and enthusiasm for learning.

Tip 6: Stay Organized

Track deadlines, required documents, and application statuses carefully. Use a dedicated folder or digital tools to manage your applications and ensure you don’t miss any important details.

Are you a graduate student? Browse our graduate school scholarships today!

columbia university private school

Frequently Asked Questions About Scholarships for Private Schools

What’s the Best Way to Apply for Scholarships?

In addition to checking with your school’s financial aid department, we recommend using to obtain scholarships. is free for all users and connects private school students with dozens of matching scholarship programs. To get started, sign up for an account on

College scholarships provide students with essential tuition assistance. They help students pay for their education without having to rely heavily on student loans. Apply for scholarships today!

Can International Students Apply for Private School Scholarships?

International students can often apply for private school scholarships as long as the programs aren’t solely restricted to US citizens. Be sure to check the eligibility requirements before applying and, if necessary, contact your institution or the scholarship organizer for more information. 

What Happens If I Win a Private School Scholarship But Choose to Defer My Admission?

Each scholarship will have a different policy regarding students who defer their admission; some will allow them to defer the award, while others will require them to reapply. Checking with the scholarship program or your institution is best to determine the exact rules. 

How Do Scholarships Affect My Taxes?

Scholarships used for qualified education expenses, such as tuition, fees, and required course materials, are generally tax-free. When you apply for education tax credits, such as the American Opportunity Credit or Lifetime Learning Credit, you need to subtract the amount of the scholarship from your qualified education expenses before claiming the credit. This adjustment ensures that you’re only claiming credits for the portion of expenses that you personally paid.

How Many Scholarships Can You Get?

Technically, there’s no limit to the number of scholarships you can receive. You can secure enough funding to cover all the costs of private school, including tuition, books, and related expenses. Student eligibility for scholarships will vary. Be sure to read the full description and requirements of each scholarship you apply for.

Looking for scholarships for Catholic schools, boarding schools, or private organizations? Discover opportunities from participating schools and find the right fit for your educational goals. Start exploring your options today and take the first step toward securing the funding you need!

Paulla Estes
Writer at | Website | + posts

Paulla Estes, holding a B.A. in English Literature from George Mason University, showcases her expertise in writing and communication through her influential articles for Scholarship Institute. She focuses on creating review articles and recommendations that guide students in exploring educational funding.

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