ScholarshipPoints earned the lowest spot on our list, with a total score of 43 out of 100.
Unlike the other platforms we reviewed, ScholarshipPoints does not have a database of well-established scholarship opportunities from reputable organizations and companies. Instead, the platform primarily consists of links to other websites where students can complete surveys to earn “points.”
These points can allegedly be used to enter scholarship drawings. However, these are not scholarships in the traditional sense; they are essentially prize drawings. None of the “scholarships” on ScholarshipPoints require essays and they are not merit-based, so students will not be awarded scholarships due to succeeding in school, demonstrating financial need, or writing a thought-provoking essay.
Arguably the most useful section of the website is a smattering of articles submitted by current college students on a variety of topics, but as a scholarship search tool, ScholarshipPoints isn’t really in the same category as the other platforms on our list.