Women in Technology Scholarship

The Women in Technology Scholarship is a $500 scholarship that’s open to all female-identifying students who are pursing a degree in a technology-related field. The deadline to apply is April 1, 2023, and winners will be announced on May 30, 2023.


Women are becoming very prominent in the workplace, including in fields that have traditionally been dominated by men. The tech field is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, with a constant demand for more and more workers—yet, there are still significantly more men working in tech than women.

To support the women that want to make a name for themselves in the tech industry, we’re offering a $500 scholarship to any female-identifying student that’s studying in a technology-related program.

Scholarship Details

  • Amount: $500
  • Application deadline: April 1, 2023

Eligibility Requirements

  • Female or female-identifying and studying in a tech-related field
  • High school senior, undergraduate student, or graduate student
  • Current U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident

How to Apply

You can apply for this scholarship on the Bold.org scholarship platform. Simply set up a free account and submit your application for the Women in Technology Scholarship.

Scholarship Frequently Asked Questions

When is the scholarship deadline?

The application will be open through April 1, 2023.

What is the scholarship prize? 

The scholarship award is $500.

When will the winner be chosen and notified?

Prior to the announcement date, we may contact finalists with additional questions about their application. Recipients will be chosen based on the merit of their application. 

How will the scholarship be paid?

We will send the $500 award check to the recipient in their name.

How will my application information be used?

Scholarship Institute manages this scholarship with the support of the Bold.org scholarship platform. Bold.org takes student confidentiality and privacy incredibly seriously. Please refer to the application page on Bold.org for full details.

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