It’s time for lefties to rejoice. Your uniqueness is not just about battling with spiral notebooks or awkwardly placed desks; it’s also about scholarship opportunities tailored for students just like you. With this year’s offerings, you can find several programs to fund your educational journey and fuel academic success. 

In this guide, we outline the top 25 scholarships for left-handed people and college students to apply for in 2023 and beyond. We’ll also show you some insider tips to maximize your chances of winning and how you can apply using, our preferred scholarship platform for left-handed students.

About Scholarships for Left-Handed People

Scholarships for left-handed students are unique opportunities designed to celebrate and support qualifying students. Historically, left-handedness was misunderstood and, at times, stigmatized. But today, in the modern era, left-handed students have a recognizable trait that may just help them pay for higher education solely because of their predominant writing hand. While it’s not as large of a category as something like scholarships for athletes, several organizations and programs graciously offer financial aid to left-handed people.

What Are Scholarships for Left-Handed People?

Left-Handed People Scholarships

As its name implies, left-handed scholarships are special types of financial awards designed for students who primarily use their left hand for everyday tasks like writing and throwing. While being left-handed is the primary requirement, many of these scholarship programs also consider other factors, such as academic achievements, leadership qualities, or extracurricular involvement. Regardless of the program’s focus, the goal is to support left-handed students in their academic pursuits, ensuring they have the opportunity to excel in their chosen study and career path. 

Types of Scholarships for Left-Handed College Students and Individuals

Left-handed students can apply for various scholarships to decrease higher education and college costs. Below are some of the common scholarship types and what they typically require. 

Merit-Based Scholarships

These scholarships award left-handed students who excel academically or in extracurricular activities like clubs and community service. In addition to requiring applicants to be left-handed, these programs may ask for proof of academic merit, like a high school transcript showing the applicant meets a minimum GPA requirement. 

Athletic Scholarships

Left-handed athletes may qualify for a scholarship if they plan on playing their respective sport in college. Some collegiate sports programs and private organizations may particularly favor left-handed athletes, such as the case for pitchers and hitters in baseball. However, other programs may only require athletes to participate at the high school level, opening the door for those who end their sports careers early. 

Need-Based Scholarships

Like all others, left-handed students can face financial hardships when pursuing a college degree or trade certification. As a result, need-based scholarships only target students who come from low-income backgrounds and demonstrate financial need. Moreover, anyone who wants to apply for a need-based scholarship, left-handed or not, will likely need to fill out the FAFSA and submit financial documentation to the scholarship panel. 

Student-Specific Scholarships

Beyond being left-handed, these scholarships cater to students who identify with specific demographics or backgrounds, such as a certain race, gender, or religion. It’s a way to support left-handed students who belong to multiple unique groups, acknowledging the diverse challenges they face. 

Career-Specific Scholarships

Students with a clear career path in mind can often find scholarships for their chosen field. For example, several programs exist for medicine, engineering, teaching, and more, enabling left-handed students to find financial support for their future profession, depending on the available opportunities. 

College-Specific Scholarships

Many colleges and universities offer scholarships to incoming and current students. These can include some or all of the scholarship types mentioned above and opportunities specifically for left-handed attendees. Since every school offers different programs, checking with your institution’s financial aid department is the best way to find available options. 

How to Find Scholarships for Left-Handed People

Finding scholarships for left-handers can seem challenging and obscure, but with the right resources, it becomes a breeze. One of the best platforms to start your search is, a unique service with hundreds of opportunities. The site constantly updates with new scholarships for upcoming semesters, including those specifically designed for students with unique traits like being left-handed. 

It’s also helpful to check your school’s website, as some institutions offer scholarships for left-handed students. Online community groups, local businesses, and your principal or guidance counselor may also have beneficial information. Nonetheless, every scholarship, no matter how niche it seems, can significantly reduce the financial burden of education. 

How to Apply for Left-Handed Scholarships: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re ready to apply for left-handed scholarships the simple way, follow this informative guide to get started on 

Step 1: Visit

Head to and create a free account. This user-friendly platform is designed to help students find scholarships that align with their unique traits and backgrounds. 

Step 2: Create Your Profile

Once you’ve registered for an account, you can make your applicant profile to apply for scholarships. Ensure you include as many details and specifics as possible, showcasing who you are and why you’re an outstanding left-handed student. This profile is visible to scholarship panels, so take time to create a compelling page. 

Step 3: Search for Left-Handed Scholarships

When you’re happy with your profile and ready to apply, use’s search feature to look for scholarships for left-handed people. You can also sort opportunities by other traits, such as ethnicity, grade level, or career path, to discover additional scholarships you’re eligible for. 

Step 4: Review Eligibility Criteria and Deadlines

Before applying, carefully read the scholarship’s requirements and note the application deadline. Some may have specific criteria beyond being left-handed, such as academic achievements, community involvement, or tight deadlines that don’t align with your needs. 

Step 5: Craft a Compelling Application

When applying for scholarships, make your responses genuine and highlight your experience as a left-handed student. Pay close attention to the provided instructions or essay prompts, sharing your unique perspectives and background that speak to why you deserve to win. 

Step 6: Submit Before the Deadline

Several scholarships on favor applicants who apply early, so submit your applications well before the deadline. However, try to submit applications that reflect your best work, so be proactive and start in advance to perfect your submissions. 

Tips for Winning a Left-Handed Scholarship

There’s no guarantee you’ll win the scholarships you apply for, but you can maximize your chances by submitting the best possible applications. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind: 

Tip 1: Start Your Search Early

Like most things in life, procrastination doesn’t benefit scholarship applicants. Beginning your search well in advance gives you ample time to find the best opportunities and assemble compelling applications. 

Tip 2: Emphasize Your Unique Perspective

Being left-handed in a predominately right-handed world offers the chance to show your authentic perspective. Highlight experiences or challenges you’ve faced, whether because of your left-handedness or something else, and how they’ve shaped your worldview. 

Tip 3: Write a Strong Essay

If the scholarship requires an essay, ensure it’s well-written and error-free. Always follow the directions and essay prompts, writing in your natural voice and tone. If possible, review previous winners’ submissions to get an idea of what the scholarship panel prefers. 

Tip 4: Apply for Multiple Scholarships

Applying for several scholarships naturally increases your chances of winning at least one. Diversify your options and apply for as many as possible, leveraging all the available opportunities you’re eligible for on 

Tip 5: Polish Your Profile

Multiple scholarship programs on only assess applicants’ profiles when choosing the winner(s). For these instances, you want your profile to stand out and catch their attention, so put your best foot forward and give it just as much attention as your applications. 

Tip 6: Stay Positive and Persistent

Rejections can be disheartening, but remember, every “no” is one step closer to a “yes.” As you start to hear back, stay positive and continue refining your approach, considering any feedback or advice you receive from the panels. Eventually, you’ll find the right scholarships with enough effort and persistence. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Scholarships for Left-Handed People

Do you still have questions about left-handed scholarships? We’ve got answers to common inquiries below. 

How many scholarships can you get for being left-handed?

There’s technically no limit to how many scholarships you can receive. While a finite amount of left-handed scholarships are available (like for any scholarship category), students can receive as much funding to cover the entire cost of their education if they win enough awards. 

How can I find local scholarships for left-handed students? 

You can check with your local community organizations, educational institution, or online to find left-handed student scholarships. Additionally, you can visit scholarship platforms like that offer scholarships for specific demographics. is our preferred option since it’s free to use and connects applicants with hundreds of legit scholarships. 

Are left-handed scholarships available for graduate students?

Yes, graduate students can often find scholarships if they’re left-handed. Some programs may exist specifically for graduate students, while others cater to all left-handed students regardless of grade level. Be sure to read the eligibility criteria of each scholarship to determine if you can apply. 

What are some other resources for left-handed people? 

Apart from scholarship awards, left-handed people can find resources like specialized tools or materials (such as left-handed notebooks and binders), support groups, and websites dedicated to the left-handed community. One example is, which has a Left-Handers Club with over 100,000 members and helpful guides; another is the Andrew Macrina scholarship fund.

How do you start a scholarship essay? 

Starting a scholarship essay can involve grabbing the reader’s attention, setting the tone, and introducing the topic. Be sure to follow the essay prompt (if provided) and sound genuine in your response, sharing personal stories or wisdom that address the topic. You can also have others review your work to ensure it comes across as intended. 

Are scholarships taxable income?

Scholarship money is generally tax-free if used for qualified education expenses, such as tuition, textbooks, and required fees. However, scholarships for incidental expenses like room and board may be taxable. It’s crucial to consult the IRS guidelines or a tax professional to understand the specific tax implications. 

What happens if I win a scholarship but choose to defer my admission?

Each scholarship program has different deferred admission policies; some may honor the change, while others will ask you to reapply. Be sure to check the program’s policy in advance or consult with the scholarship organizer to determine what happens if you defer your admission.

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Drawing on her experience as a middle and high school teacher, Margaret Lipman strives to provide valuable insights for students when writing about scholarships and college application strategies in her articles for Scholarship Institute.

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