Finding ways to pay for college might not be at the top of the list for many high school juniors, but maybe it should be. Once senior year starts, it’s a whirlwind of applications, exams, and sentimental goodbyes. High school juniors who begin their scholarship search before their senior year create an advantage for themselves. When students apply early, they can take their time applying, searching, and editing their applications.

It’s a common misconception that scholarship programs are only for high school seniors or recently graduated seniors. But this is not the case. There are many college scholarships available for students at all levels in high school, including juniors.

After reviewing several scholarship platforms, we’ve identified as the best platform for high school juniors. The scholarships on are carefully crafted by real donors, and matches you to scholarships you qualify for, making it easier to find the opportunities that match your goals and interests. We’ve put together a list of the scholarship opportunities offered for high school juniors. Continue reading to learn more about scholarships for high school juniors.

Attention soon-to-be college students! Apply for scholarships today to reduce your college costs and get a head start on securing financial aid.

high school juniors

Types of High School Junior Scholarships Available

The scholarship search process is as individualized as the college search process, and it varies from one high school student to another. Here are some examples of the many different types of awards that students can apply for to help pay for college:

Academic Scholarships

These are awarded based on academic excellence.

Athletic Scholarships

For students excelling in sports.

Community Service Scholarships

These are given to students who have dedicated significant time to volunteering and community service projects.

Merit Scholarships

These scholarships consider overall achievements, including leadership roles, community service, and extracurricular involvement.

Scholarships for Minorities

There are scholarships specifically designed to support students from underrepresented groups.

high school juniors studying

How to Find High School Junior Scholarships to Apply for

As a high school junior, your scholarship search should be tailored to leverage your growing academic and extracurricular profile. Here’s how to find opportunities suited specifically for juniors:

School Counselor

Begin your search by consulting your school counselor, who can offer tailored advice based on your academic achievements and extracurricular activities. They often have access to scholarships that target juniors poised to make significant college decisions. School counselors will likely have a list of reliable scholarship awards that students can look into.

Online Scholarship Platforms

Use websites such as, which provides extensive databases of scholarships. This platform allows you to filter by grade level, making it easier to find scholarships open to juniors, and by specific interests or career intentions, which can help pinpoint the best matches for your goals.

Local Businesses and Community Organizations

Many local entities offer scholarships as a way to invest in the youth of their communities. These can be less competitive and more targeted towards your specific circumstances. Attend local community meetings or check community boards for announcements.

Government and Institutional Scholarships

Explore scholarships offered by the government, like FAFSA, or by educational institutions that are designed to support students in the year before they apply to college.

If you are in high school, senior year is also a good time to apply for scholarships and secure funding for your college journey. Start exploring your options today!

high school juniors in the classroom

Tips for Winning High School Junior Scholarships

There are a few things that high school juniors should keep in mind when applying for ways to pay for higher education. 

Highlight Progressive Achievements

In your applications, focus on how your junior year has been a time of significant development and leadership. Be specific about projects led, skills developed, and milestones achieved during this year.

Engage in Meaningful Extracurriculars

Rather than padding your resume with numerous activities, choose a few extracurriculars that you are deeply passionate about and where you can take on leadership roles or initiate projects. This depth of engagement is often more impressive to scholarship committees than a long list of superficial involvements.

Utilize Junior Year Events

Many schools host college and career fairs during the junior year. Use these opportunities to connect with representatives from scholarship organizations who can provide firsthand advice and insights.

Stay Organized

It’s essential that all students stay organized in their financial award searches and ensure they record each scholarship deadline. Students should make a spreadsheet that allows them to stay organized and track a few different elements in their award search. Students should have columns for the following information: The name of the scholarship, the organization of the award, the scholarship award amount, the date they applied, and the type of award. 

Apply for Many Scholarships

Students should not limit the number of awards they apply for because there is no limit to how many they can apply for. By junior year of high school, students will likely have an idea of the things that interest them. So, they should apply for scholarships that speak to their hobbies, their academic interests, their financial need, outstanding academic records, etc.

Apply to Scholarships with Different Award Amounts

Lastly, students should do their best not to discount any awards just because the award amount may be smaller than others. Any money that students earn through scholarships is money they don’t have to take out school loans. 

Rising high school students will find scholarship opportunities in this list of high school freshmen scholarships.

high school hallway

Frequently Asked Questions About High School Junior Scholarships

How Can I Improve My Chances of Winning High School Junior Scholarships?

Students should stay organized, apply for many awards, apply early, and apply for scholarships with different award amounts. Don’t discredit the smaller awards!

How Many High School Junior Scholarships Can You Get?

There is no limit to how many awards a student can get to help them pay their college costs. Scholarships awarded by a scholarship program typically go straight to your school to be applied to tuition and related expenses.

Are Scholarships Available for All Fields of Study?

Absolutely. There are scholarships for nearly every field of study, and some are even specifically for unconventional paths.

Can I Apply for Scholarships If I Don’t Have Perfect Grades?

Yes. While some scholarships are merit-based, many consider other factors like personal essays, community service, financial need, or specific talents.

How Can I Avoid Scholarship Scams?

Never pay to apply for a scholarship, and research each opportunity thoroughly. Trustworthy sources include school counselors and reputable scholarship databases.

High school students graduating in the near future should take the initiative now and start applying for scholarships tailored to their academic, athletic, or artistic talents and other personal achievements.

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