When thinking about university students and the college admissions process, people usually imagine high school seniors preparing for college. However, high school students, including freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, all have the opportunity to start looking for ways to pay for college before their senior year.

While some freshmen may think that scholarship searches are just for upperclassmen, there are tons of scholarships specifically for high school freshmen to help pay for their future college education. Because freshmen are early in their educational careers, they don’t have the pressure of a full high school senior to-do list; freshman year is the perfect time to start a scholarship search.

To help students find the best scholarship opportunities, we carefully evaluated several platforms, focusing on how user-friendly they are, the variety of scholarships they offer, and how easy they are to apply for scholarships. Bold.org stood out as the best choice for high school freshmen based on positive reviews from users, successful outcomes, and its straightforward approach to matching students with relevant scholarships. We put together a list of college scholarships for high school freshmen to apply for. Take a look below to begin applying.

Scholarships and grants are an invaluable resource for students. Applying as early as freshman year gives you a head start on financing your education. Apply for scholarships today!

high school freshmen in class

Types of High School Freshman Scholarships Available

There are different types of scholarships available to every student. There are scholarships based on academic interests, volunteer interests, and personal interests like sports or music. Here are a few examples of the many different types of freshmen awards available:

  • Academic Scholarships: These are awarded based on your academic performance. Keep those grades up, as they often look at your GPA and academic rigor.
  • Athletic Scholarships: If you excel in sports, this might be your arena. These scholarships are for outstanding athletic ability, and scouts or coaches often recruit students directly.
  • Community Service Scholarships: For those of you actively volunteering in your community, there are scholarships that acknowledge those efforts.
  • Art and Music Scholarships: Got a creative flair? Whether it’s painting, music, or drama, there are awards out there that focus on artistic talents.
  • Interest-Based Scholarships: These are more niche and cater to specific interests or career paths, like technology or writing.
high school freshmen

How to Find High School Freshman Scholarships to Apply for

There are many places students should look when they decide it’s time to find ways to pay for college:

School Counselor

A great first stop is your school counselor’s office. Counselors often have information about local and national scholarships. They help students with a variety of things regarding college, including the college application process, finding ways to pay for college, and any other college-related topics.

Local Organizations or Clubs

Local businesses, cultural organizations, and clubs sometimes offer scholarships that aren’t widely advertised. If a student is involved in sports, they should ask their coaches about any financial awards that are specific to student-athletes. The same goes for students involved in other school activities, including band, theater, art, photojournalism, computer science, a computer graphic program, or any other on-campus club.

If students are more involved in community organizations, they should speak to the directors of these organizations. Whether it be a local animal shelter, a senior citizen home, or a religious organization, there is no harm in asking the directors or supervisors about scholarships. These directors, supervisors, and coaches can also serve as references for students.

Online Searches

Performing online searches and looking on reliable websites for scholarships is a common way to find scholarships. Websites like Bold.org and the U.S. Department of Labor’s scholarship search tool are excellent resources. It’s important that students do a little research before filling out applications because there are also websites out there that only want to scam students.

When searching online, students may want to avoid a broad search of “scholarships” and might want to include things they’re interested in, like soccer, volunteering, or living sustainably. If these searches don’t yield a lot of results, students can always edit their searches or search websites dedicated to providing students with countless scholarship opportunities, like Bold.org. Either way, online searches can give students the opportunity to apply for many different financial awards.

Social Media and Forums

Follow scholarship pages on platforms like Facebook and check forums for up-to-date scholarship news. Many organizations and scholarship providers use Facebook pages, Instagram, X, TikTok, and others to post updates and deadlines. By liking and following these pages, you can receive notifications directly in your feed. Consider following pages of universities, financial aid offices, scholarship platforms, and educational nonprofits.

Attending college can be expensive, especially graduate school. That’s why it’s important for students to win scholarships. Apply today to help you pay for school.

high school freshmen in cafeteria line

Tips for Winning High School Freshman Scholarships

Winning a scholarship is competitive, but with the right approach, you can stand out:

  1. Start Early: The earlier you start looking for scholarships, the less rushed you’ll feel. Junior year and senior year go by quickly, and if students can anticipate and prepare for the rush of being upperclassmen by applying for scholarships early, why not?
  2. Follow Instructions Carefully: Make sure to read the application instructions carefully and follow them precisely.
  3. Organize Your Documents: Keep all necessary documents like transcripts, letters of recommendation, and essays handy and organized. ​
  4. Practice Your Essays: Many scholarships require essays. Practice writing clear, compelling essays that showcase your personality and achievements.
  5. Proofread Your Application Materials: Students should give themselves plenty of time to read through the scholarship requirements, complete their application, proofread their application, and then rework their application based on their proofreading. When students submit authentic, polished applications, they have a better chance of winning that financial award. If students are rushed while completing and submitting applications at the last minute, they may make careless mistakes that will hinder their chances of receiving awards.
  6. Apply Broadly: Don’t limit yourself to the big, competitive scholarships. Apply for smaller ones, too, as they often have fewer applicants.
  7. Seek Feedback: Before submitting your applications, get feedback on your essays and application materials from teachers, family, or friends.
  8. Stay Organized: One of the most important things that students can do is stay organized in their search for ways to pay for college. One of the best ways to stay organized is by using a spreadsheet. Students can create one spreadsheet with a few different columns, including scholarship name, scholarship type, organization/place found when they applied, and a section for notes or whether they got the award or not. It’s a simple way to keep all of the important information on hand. Students can also include a column with a link to the scholarship if they find the award online.
  9. Apply for Many Scholarships: When searching for scholarships for high school freshmen, students should apply for as many scholarships as they can find that are relevant to them and their interests. Students should take the time to apply for awards of various amounts because any scholarship money is money that students can use for college without taking out loans. Any bit of scholarship money helps and adds up, so students should apply for smaller scholarships too. Current high school students will have an idea of what interests them, so they should certainly apply to awards that are relevant to their interests.
  10. Consider Attaching Letters of Recommendation: Lastly, students should consider attaching letters of recommendation to their applications. This will give application committees the chance to see students through the eyes of coaches, supervisors, and directors. These letters will speak for students in a way that an application won’t be able to. Letters of recommendation can also be helpful for students as they eventually begin the application process for colleges as well. If students want to use letters of recommendation, it’s important that they give the writers plenty of time to write the letters. Students might also consider giving these writers a student resume to help them write their letters. 

If you plan to attend college, apply for high school freshmen scholarships to begin your scholarship search early. Browse Bold.org’s scholarship tool and filter the scholarship categories to start winning scholarship awards.

high school freshman scholarship

Frequently Asked Questions About High School Freshman Scholarships

How Many High School Freshman Scholarships Can You Get?

There is no limit to how many financial awards a high school student can accept. There are also no limits to how many scholarships students can apply for, and starting the search early will give students the ability to apply for many different scholarship opportunities. 

Do I Need to Have Exceptional Grades to Win a Scholarship?

While many scholarships do focus on academic performance, there are plenty that recognize other talents or commitments. These can include community service, leadership qualities, artistic skills, or specific career interests. Always check the eligibility criteria for each scholarship.

What Should I Include In My Scholarship Essay?

Your scholarship essay should reflect who you are, your aspirations, and how the scholarship will help you achieve your goals. Be sure to answer the prompt thoroughly and show your personality. Make sure your essay is well-organized, free of grammatical errors, and compelling.

Can I Use Scholarship Money for Expenses Other Than Tuition?

It depends on the scholarship. Some scholarships are very specific and must be used for tuition only, while others are more flexible and can cover costs like books, room and board, or other educational expenses.

How Do I Know If a Scholarship Is Legitimate?

Be cautious of scams. A legitimate scholarship should never require you to pay a fee to apply. Research the organization thoroughly, look for previous recipients, and ensure the contact information is legitimate. Trusted websites and guidance counselors can also help you identify reputable scholarship opportunities.

Are There Scholarships That Require No Essay?

Yes, there are scholarships that do not require an essay. These might be awarded based on a short application form, a creative project, or even a random draw. These can be great opportunities if you find essay writing challenging.

Are There Scholarships for Middle School Students?

Yes, middle school students can indeed apply for scholarships. While these opportunities are less common than those for high school and college students, there are still several scholarships specifically designed for younger students.

College students should begin searching for scholarship programs early to help reduce their tuition and associated expenses. Start applying today!

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