Gaming, specifically gaming addiction, has been credited with producing or aiding in the struggles of many college students. Reduced learning, lower GPA, financial consequences, relationship, and social problems, etc. Many of the aspects of college life that students may struggle in can be affected by excessive gaming which results in sleep deprivation or the skipping of full meals.
But, what could arguably be seen as the most significant cause of concern for gamers in college is the potential that these students’ scholarships are attached to their GPA. And, at any point, if these students have a bad learning experience it can affect their ability to attend college again on a financial level. Because of this distinct possibility the need for gamer scholarships that are related to the field of gaming or are specifically intended for Esports players or those invested in the video game industry.
About Scholarships for Gamers
While there aren’t a large number of gamer scholarships and esports scholarships, there is a good quantity of scholarships that can apply to those interested in gaming. This is important considering the large number of students that can apply to gaming scholarships will oftentimes lead to results-based competition between the applicants, whether they are still in high school or are beginning college.
Those who apply to a science or engineering major due to its relation to the field of the game, depending on the program, can also apply for STEM scholarships, not only esports scholarships or video game scholarships. Only applying to gamer scholarships can lead to disappointment with how much competition there is for those specific video game scholarships for graduate students and undergraduate students who want a college education.
What Are Scholarships for Gamers?
Scholarships for gamers are scholarships dedicated to students who are interested in pursuing a field of education related to gaming. Or, scholarships for gamers are intended for e-sports pros looking to join a college’s growing collegiate esports scene. Gamers typically have a hard time adjusting to college costs during their first few years of college when they may not have their major decided. This can lead pro esports competitors avoiding college altogether which is what these scholarships are attempting to help prevent.
What Qualifies Gamers for Scholarships?
The requirements for the gamer scholarships typically involve the graduating high school seniors or current college students being able to prove that they have professional experience on an esports team. Applicants can be young adults who are either a student in high school, including high school seniors, or graduate or undergraduate students.
Types of Scholarships for Gamers
One of the significant benefits of gamer scholarships is that there are a number of different games that universities will offer esports scholarships for. League of Legends, Hearthstone, Overwatch, Rocket League, etc. While the number of schools that are offering legitimate esports scholarships is limited, the actual scholarship reward amount is reasonably high.
Video Game Design Scholarships
Video game design scholarships are scholarships given to students interested in majors and courses related to video game design. Fields such as computer programming and computer science are majors that qualify for these type of scholarships.
Collegiate Esports Scholarships
Collegiate esports scholarships given to esports athletes in esports with college affiliations such as Overwatch, Rocket League, etc. Some can be given to students interested in joining a collegiate esports field while in college if they perform well enough.
How to Find Scholarships for Gamers
Due to the popularity of gaming students can find scholarships for gamers by going through multiple college sites and seeing the type of scholarships they have that apply to those with an interest in the video game industry. Some of the most highly regarded majors for gamers is game development, video game design and software engineering. So, scholarships that apply to STEM fields can also be applicable for those interested in the video game industry, such as with video game design and video game development.
Tips for Winning Scholarships for Gamers
When it comes to scholarships that apply to gaming, a tip to winning these scholarships is being able to share accomplishments and experiences within the field of gaming. Specifically in the case of most universities interested in gaming having video evidence of the applicant’s experience in gaming.
Frequently Asked Questions About Scholarships for Gamers
Scholarships that apply to gamers are often times not very clear. It isn’t easy to find them or understand what scholarships apply to each business major. These are some answers to some commonly asked questions for community service scholarships.
Are our Gamer scholarships legit?
Our gamer scholarships are linked to the STEM fields and because of this they are incredibly legit, as well as easy to verify. Often gamer scholarships are given to those who have already had experience working with games.
How can I improve my chances of winning Gamer scholarships?
You can improve your chances by taking your time with your essays. Also, you can improve your chances of winning a scholarship program for gaming by including a cover letter showing your experiences with gaming.
How many Gaming scholarships can you get?
There is no limit to the number of scholarships. You can apply for as many as there are available. You can apply for multiple scholarships at once. You can receive funding from various scholarships.
Are Gaming scholarships taxable income?
According to colleges who release their own specific gaming scholarships they are taxable depending on the funds for room and board, optional materials, and travel. If the scholarship is used for tuition, assigned books, etc., it is not taxable.
What’s the best way to apply for Gaming scholarships?
By checking the requirements for the scholarship and making sure that you have the best essays, do your research on who is funding the scholarship. If the person sponsoring the scholarship has specific preferences in who they give it to, that’s also something to account for.
Michael Anissimov
Michael Anissimov’s experience with scientific research foundations informs his work at Scholarship Institute, where he leverages his strong research background to provide valuable insights across various fields. Specializing in review articles on scholarships, particularly in STEM, he ensures that students receive well-informed content to effectively navigate their financial options.