Dental hygiene students have many classes and are expected to take biology, chemistry, and other science-based courses. This can turn out to be highly stressful for dental hygiene students.

Most of the time, dental hygiene students in a dental hygiene program focus on their medical or dental school and achieving a dental hygiene education. They can find it hard to find time to socialize or make friends, with most of their time taken up by the dental hygiene programs they are in. Academic achievement is essential to these students pursuing health professions, and financial assistance can go a long way in their academic careers.

About Dental Hygiene Scholarships

Dental Hygiene scholarships are scholarships, which means they are grants that do not require repayment. They are available to all dental hygiene students and are awarded based on a combination of needs—financial need, academic achievement, etc. 

What Are Dental Hygiene Scholarships?

The Institute for Oral Health (IOH) is a provider of these scholarships. They describe the primary focus of their program as a way to “provide financial assistance to dental hygiene students and dental hygienists who can demonstrate a commitment to further the discipline of dental hygiene through academic achievement, professional excellence, and a desire to improve the public’s overall health.” 

Dental Hygienists Scholarship

Scholarships are a financial commitment to dental hygiene students that the program believes are committing to the discipline of dental hygiene and will be able to make a distinct impact on the field.

Types of Scholarships for Dental Hygienists

Many of these dental scholarships include a GPA requirement or proof of a commitment to furthering the discipline of dental hygiene and attending dental hygiene programs.

However, some scholarships also require being a member of an oral health program, such as the American Dental Hygienist Association (ADHA). Look no further than the surplus of available science-based scholarships for less specific scholarships that dental hygiene fits into. 

How to Find Scholarships for Dental Hygienists

High school and college graduates can look for medical and science-based scholarships by going through multiple college sites and seeing the type of scholarships they have that dental hygiene is factored into. 

Another way of finding financial aid opportunities for a future dental hygienist, those in dental school, or a dental hygiene department is by signing up for the American Dental Hygienists Association or the American Dental Education Association. Both can offer a dental hygiene scholarship to aid a student who needs federal student aid or financial aid.

Other Dental Hygiene Scholarships for a High School Senior or Accredited College Students

While there aren’t an infinite amount of scholarships, there is a good quantity of them, considering the relatively small pool of applicants for them, whether still in high school, beginning college, or university.

The students pursuing dental hygiene can apply for more scientific-centric scholarships related to dental hygiene tangentially. These scientific awards can apply for scholarships related to the applicant’s interest in dental hygiene.

Science majors are good candidates for dental hygiene scholarship awards, including commitment-focused scholarships that require proof of a potential degree. 

Tips for Winning a Dental Hygiene scholarships

When it comes to scholarships for applicants interested in dental hygiene, a tip to winning these scholarships is being able to share experiences that explain the interest in dental hygiene or supply evidence of working in a dental hygiene field. Writing about these experiences in an essay ranging between 200 to 1000 words is a great way to win a scholarship.

Requirements for Dental Hygiene Scholarships 

The requirements for dental health scholarships or scientific scholarships typically involve students currently enrolled in college being able to prove that they are interested in furthering the discipline of dental hygiene. In the case of other scientific-based scholarships, a high GPA indeed becomes a factor as a form of evidence of competency in the field of science.  

FAQs About Scholarships for Students Studying Dental Hygiene

The scholarship opportunity that applies to dental hygiene students isn’t very abundant. Finding them or understanding what scholarships are used for dental hygiene is difficult. These are some answers to some commonly asked questions for scholarships.

Are dental hygiene scholarships legit?

Scholarships are accurate and based on evidence of the applicant’s interest in studying dental hygiene or already participating in a dental hygiene program at a specific university. 

How can I improve my chances of winning dental hygiene scholarships?

You can improve your chances by taking time with your essays and explaining your interest in dental hygiene. Also, you can improve your chances of winning a scholarship program for dental hygiene by showing examples of your experience in dental hygiene. 

How many dental hygiene scholarships can you get?

There is no limit to the number of scholarships. You can apply for as many as there are available. You can be an applicant for several scholarships at once. You can receive funding from various scholarships.

Is dental hygiene taxable income?

Many scholarships are given to degree candidates that attend an ‘eligible educational institution,’ meaning that these scholarships are more than likely, not taxable income.

What’s the best way to apply for dental hygiene scholarships?

By checking the requirements for the scholarship and making sure that you have the best essays, do your research on who is funding the scholarship. If the person sponsoring the scholarship has specific preferences in who they give it to, that’s also something to account for. If it’s a college-specific scholarship, check if it is an accredited four-year university.

Michael Anissimov
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Michael Anissimov’s experience with scientific research foundations informs his work at Scholarship Institute, where he leverages his strong research background to provide valuable insights across various fields. Specializing in review articles on scholarships, particularly in STEM, he ensures that students receive well-informed content to effectively navigate their financial options.

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