21 Scholarships for High School Seniors in 2024

Senior year is undoubtedly one of the most exciting parts of high school, but it also comes with its own challenges and frustrations. High school seniors have to juggle maintaining their academic performance, college applications, and possibly, a scholarship search. But there are a few ways that current high school seniors can improve their scholarship search. High school seniors can search for ways to pay for college with efficiency by using reliable and legitimate financial awards for higher education or trade school education. High school seniors applying for ways to pay for college should continue reading to learn more about high school senior scholarships.

About High School Senior Scholarship


Some scholarships are intended for students at any academic level, including college students, graduate students, and of course, graduating high school seniors. High school senior scholarships are one of several ways that high school seniors can pay for college. Scholarships include funds that don’t usually need to be paid back, so scholarship awards are an excellent way students can pay for college without accruing debt. Many scholarships go unclaimed each year, so it’s important that high school seniors search for different ways to pay for college, including grants, local scholarships, essays scholarships, specialized scholarships, and merit-based scholarships. These are only a few different types of ways to pay for college that are available to high school seniors.

What are High School Senior Scholarships?

Whether high school seniors want to attend a private college, state university, or a trade school, most students will likely need to find a way to pay for their education. Before students step into a lecture hall or classroom, they’ll need to pay for their courses, room and board, textbooks, and possibly even plan to pay for meals and other living expenses. Scholarships are one way to help students pay for courses each semester. Anyone pursuing higher education will likely want to apply to and earn as many financial awards as they can to help cut down on the financial burden that college can sometimes create. 

While some high school seniors may have access to an expected family contribution, many students may find that these contributions don’t cover the entire cost of college. High school senior scholarships are an excellent way to pay for college expenses because many of the awards don’t need to be paid back. Many of them don’t have application fees either. Lots of scholarships rely not only on financial need, but other qualifications as well. 

What Qualifies as a High School Senior Scholarship?

Again, some scholarships are based on a student’s financial need, but many scholarships look at other qualifications as well. Some award winners receive funds for college because they demonstrated impressive academic performance in high school. Other awards may be based on a student’s extracurricular activities, including awards for theater students, band students, national honor society students, or student athletes. 

Scholarship committees may also have a minimum GPA requirement before students can apply. There are many different qualifications that high school senior scholarships may have, but they’ll all have specific deadlines and award amounts. Because student interests vary, so do the types of high school senior scholarships available. 

Types of High School Senior Scholarships Available


Whether high school seniors are interested in art, sports, science, or helping the environment, there is likely a scholarship out there that speaks to their individual interests. Graduating seniors will likely have a solid idea of what interests them in terms of extracurriculars, and their interests and extracurriculars can help them narrow down their financial award search. Here are some examples of types of high school senior scholarships available. 

1. Learning and Changing Scholarship

The Learning and Changing Scholarship is a $500 award that will be given to one student. The scholarship deadline for this award is July 13, 2022. To apply, students will need to share something they have learned that changed their opinion on something important in their life. This award is for a student at any education level, and the winner will be announced on August 13, 2022. 

2. Community Activist Scholarship

The Community Activist Scholarship is intended for students at any education level. This $500 award will be given to one student who is passionate about helping their community. To apply, students will need to share what they do in their local community to bring about positive change. The application deadline is July 13, 2022, and the winner will be announced on August 13, 2022. 

3. Mentor Scholarship

The Mentor Scholarship is meant for students at any education level. This $500 award will have one winner and has a deadline of July 13, 2022. Any student who is a mentor to someone else can apply for this scholarship. To apply, students will need to share how they hope to positively impact the lives of those they mentor. The winner of this award will be announced on August 13, 2022.

4. Climate Changemakers Scholarship

The Climate Changemakers Scholarship is a $500 award that will be given to one student at any education level. Any student who acts to protect the environment can apply for this award. To apply, students will need to share what they do to benefit the environment in their daily life. The deadline to apply is July 13, 2022, and the winner will be announced on August 13, 2022. 

5. Milk Road Web3 Cryptocurrency No-Essay Scholarship

The Milk Road Web3 Cryptocurrency No-Essay Scholarship will have one winner who will be awarded $1000. This award will be given to applicants who get the most out of The Milk Road. This scholarship has rolling monthly application deadlines, and the award will be given on April 1, 2023. 

6. Optimist Scholarship

The Optimist Scholarship is intended for students at any education level. This award seeks to encourage students to live their lives with optimism, hope, and joy. Any student dedicated to staying optimistic can apply. The deadline to apply for this $500 scholarship is July 14, 2022. The winner will be announced on August 14, 2022. 

7. Art Matters Scholarship

The Art Matters Scholarship is meant for students at any education level. This $500 award will be given to one student who is passionate about art. To apply, students will need to share about their favorite piece of art and why they’re drawn to it. The deadline to apply is July 14, 2022, and the winner will be announced on August 14, 2022. 

8. Science Matters Scholarship

The Science Matters Scholarship is a $500 award meant for a student at any education level. This scholarship seeks to support students who are interested in science and fascinated by scientific discovery. To apply, students will need to share which scientific discovery is their favorite and why. The deadline to apply for this award is September 14, 2022, and the winner will be announced on October 14, 2022. 

9. Healthy Living Scholarship

The Healthy Living Scholarship is a $500 award for students at any education level. This award is intended for one winner, and the application deadline is August 15, 2022. Any student who’s a US citizen or permanent legal resident and passionate about health and wellness can apply. The winner will be announced on September 15, 2022. 

10. A Dog Changed My Life Scholarship

The A Dog Changed My Life Scholarship is a $500 award that will go to one winner at any education level. Students who have been impacted by a dog can apply. The application deadline for this award is August 15, 2022, and the winner will be announced on September 15, 2022. 

11. Pet Lover Scholarship

The Pet Lover Scholarship is for any senior, undergraduate, or graduate student who has a pet that they love. This scholarship aims to show appreciation for beloved pets and their owners. This $500 award will be given to one winner. The application deadline is August 15, 2022, and the winner will be announced on September 15, 2022. 

12. Financial Literacy Scholarship

The Financial Literacy Scholarship is a $500 award that will be given to a student at any education level. To apply, students will need to share about a personal finance lesson that benefited them. The application deadline is July 14, 2022, and the winner will be announced on August 14, 2022. 

13. Caring for Seniors Scholarship

The Caring for Seniors Scholarship is meant for students at any education level who are passionate about caring for senior citizens and improving their lives. To apply, students will need to share one thing they do to make the lives of the elderly people in their community better. The deadline for this $500 award is June 30, 2022, and the winner will be announced on July 30, 2022. 

15. Great Books Scholarship

The Great Books Scholarship is meant to encourage students to continue reading, learning, and applying their acquired knowledge to their daily lives. This $500 award will be given to one winner of any education level. The deadline to apply for this award is June 30, 2022, and the winner will be announced on July 30, 2022.

16. Deep Thinking Scholarship

The Deep Thinking Scholarship will have one winner of any education level. This $500 award is meant to support a student who is passionate about thinking deeply and making a positive impact on the world. To apply, students will need to share which problem they think poses the greatest threat to the world, and one way people can work towards fixing it. The deadline to apply is June 25, 2022, and the winner will be announced on July 25, 2022. 

17. Great Minds Scholarship

The Great Minds Scholarship is a $500 award that is meant to support one student with a great mind that is passionate about using their mind to the fullest in order to benefit the world. The application deadline for this award is June 25, 2022. The winner will be announced on July 25, 2022. 

18. Future of Education Scholarship

The Future of Education Scholarship is meant for students at any education level. This $500 award will be given to one winner who is passionate about making sure future generations have access to education. To apply, students will need to write about one change to education they believe would positively impact future generations. The deadline for this application is June 25, 2022, and the winner will be announced on July 25, 2022. 

19. Generosity Matters Scholarship

The Generosity Matters Scholarship is a scholarship with five winners who will each receive a $100 award. Students will need to apply by June 12, 2022. To apply, students need to believe in the power of generosity and strive to help those around them whenever they get the chance. The winners will be announced on July 12, 2022. 

20. Creativity Scholarship

The Creativity Scholarship is a $500 award that will be given to one winner. To apply, students will need to share how they apply creativity in their lives. This award aims to support creative students so they can afford to pursue their education and their dreams. The application deadline is June 17, 2022, and the winner will be announced on July 17, 2022.

21. Mental Health Awareness Scholarship

The Mental Health Awareness Scholarship is a $500 award that will be given to one winner. This scholarship is open to all students from any field of study. Students can apply by sharing about what they think should be done to help people who struggle with mental health. The deadline to apply is June 24, 2022, and the winner will be announced on July 24, 2022. These are just a few examples of the many awards that high school seniors can apply to as a way to pay for college.

How to Find High School Senior Scholarships to Apply for


Some scholarships are based on not only financial need, but on a student’s community involvement, academic achievement, or undergraduate degree that they’re pursuing. There are a few reliable ways for high school seniors to find any kind of scholarship.

School Counselor

School counselors are there to help students cope with a variety of things, including transitioning from high school to college. School counselors can help students when it comes to scholarship essays, college applications, scholarship applications, and ways to pay for college. School counselors are valuable in a scholarship search because they likely have reliable sources for ways to pay for college. There is no limit to how many scholarships that students can apply to, so counselors will likely share a list of resources for students to consider rather than a specific award or two. 

Local Organizations

If a high school senior is involved with a religious organization, local shelter, or community center, they should check with management to see if these organizations offer scholarships for high school students. Volunteer work is a great addition to any student’s college application, but it can also be a great way for students to find ways to pay for college. Serving in a person’s community demonstrates good character and work ethic, and organization managers can witness those qualities first hand. 

Extracurricular Activities

Students involved in extracurricular activities may also find ways to pay for college through these activities. Some colleges, whether community college or technical school, may offer scholarships specific to a student’s intended major. Some students could apply for awards based on their interests, whether they enjoy art, sports, music, computer science, or service work. Students should double-check with their club sponsors, organizers, or staff adviser about scholarships.

Reliable Online Resources

Students can also conduct online searches for ways to pay for college. There are many reliable websites that students can visit to search for ways to pay for college, and some of these websites might include essay scholarships, no-essay scholarships, scholarships for high school students, scholarships for current college students, and these sites may even offer scholarship application tips. Many scholarships go unclaimed each year, but many of these reliable sites want to help students pay for college. These sites don’t only reward successful students for their hard work, but they also encourage passionate high school students and high school students with unique interests to apply. 

Additionally, exploring the best scholarships for high school seniors can significantly broaden your options and ensure you’re applying to the most advantageous opportunities available. This resource meticulously curates a comprehensive list of scholarships tailored specifically for high school seniors, offering a variety of awards based on academic merit, community service, specific career interests, and more. By incorporating this valuable resource into your search strategy, you can efficiently identify scholarships that align with your unique profile and aspirations, enhancing your chances of securing the financial support necessary for your higher education journey.

Tips for Winning High School Senior Scholarships

Here are a few tips for students when it comes to winning high school senior scholarships.

Apply Early

When applying for scholarships, it’s best for students to apply early. Some students begin applying for ways to pay for college as high school juniors or sophomores. Some applications will have deadlines for the summer after a student’s senior year, but high school seniors should look for ways to pay for college well before this. Scholarships for high school seniors should be at the top of the senior to-do list, because paying for college is an important part of the college experience for undergraduate students. 

Applying early will help ease some of the stress that high school seniors feel in the spring as the end of their high school career gets closer and closer. Many students will need to apply for financial aid through FAFSA, but some scholarships could also have early deadlines. If they haven’t started their search before senior year, high school seniors should begin looking at scholarship programs and applications in the fall of their senior year. This will allow them to have plenty of time to find the right applications for them, revise and edit their applications before submission, and have others proofread applications if necessary. Applying early will also allow high school seniors to apply to many different scholarships rather than just a couple. 

Apply to Many Different Scholarships

High school seniors need to give themselves plenty of time to apply to scholarships they feel they may qualify for. While many scholarships go unclaimed each year, there are many scholarships that are quite competitive. Even if a student feels they’ve got an award in the bag, they shouldn’t count their eggs before they hatch. High school seniors should continue to apply to many different scholarships that are relevant to them because some awards that they feel are a guarantee may not come through for them. If students apply to many different scholarships, they may be pleasantly surprised by the number of awards they receive, and more prepared than if they only applied to a few scholarships. Seniors should also consider awards of any amount.

Apply to College Scholarships of Any Amount

High school seniors should apply to the scholarships that are relevant to them, despite the award amount. Yes, applying to scholarships takes time, but smaller awards can add up and help pay for a large chunk of college expenses. Large awards will be more competitive than smaller ones, and these awards will likely require a lot of a student’s time and attention. Students should certainly apply to large awards, but they should not discount smaller awards in their search for scholarship opportunities.

Attach Letters of Recommendation to the Applications

Each graduating high school senior should have a couple of letters of recommendation in their back pockets. These can come in handy with the college admission process as well as a scholarship search. Some scholarship applications will allow applicants to attach letters of recommendation to their applications, which will help students set their applications apart from the rest. If students ask for letters of recommendation, they should give the writer plenty of time to write the letter. Students should also consider giving a student resume to this person to help them write it. High school seniors can talk to club organizers, coaches, and others for letters of recommendation.

Stay Organized

Lastly, high school seniors need to stay organized. High school seniors should consider creating a spreadsheet that allows them to keep track of the following information: scholarship name, organization name, date applied, application due date, scholarship description, and a column for notes. This will help students keep their information organized so they’re not wondering if they’re looking at a scholarship that they’ve already applied to. 

Looking for a scholarship program, single scholarship, or local scholarship can be challenging. High school seniors juggle enough with deciding on a college degree to pursue, college applications, the college admissions process, and goodbyes to the familiarity of high school. But these tips can help high school seniors in their journey to find ways to pay for their college education.

Frequently Asked Questions About High School Senior Scholarships

Here are some frequently asked questions about scholarships for high school seniors.

Are high school senior scholarships legit?

High school senior scholarships are legit. There are many ways to find high school senior scholarships from reliable sources, but there are many sites that try to scam students. It’s important for high school seniors to research companies before sharing any personal information, especially online.

How can I improve my chances of winning high school senior scholarships?

There are a few things that high school seniors can do to improve their chances of winning scholarships for high school seniors. High school seniors should apply early, apply to many scholarships, apply to scholarships of any amount, consider attaching letters of recommendation to their applications, and stay organized.

How many high school senior scholarships can you get?

There is no limit to how many scholarships students can earn. Scholarships will need to be reported to the financial aid office on the college campus they choose to attend.

Are high school senior scholarships taxable income?

Typically, scholarships cannot be treated as taxable income.

What’s the best way to apply for high school senior scholarships? 

High school seniors should apply for scholarships by talking to their high school counselors, reaching out to the organizations they work with, and using reliable online sites.

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