If you’re preparing for college, you’re probably starting to think about how to pay for it, and that’s where scholarships can really make a difference. Whether you’re a strong student, involved in your community, passionate about sports or the arts, or have unique interests, there are scholarships available for you, including college scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students.

College scholarships come in many different forms—some based on academic achievement, others on financial need, and many more tied to specific talents or community involvement. No matter your situation, there’s likely a scholarship out there that fits you.

After we researched different platforms and methods for finding scholarships, we’ve identified the most effective platform for students looking to maximize their chances of success. When it comes to finding scholarships, Bold.org consistently ranks as the best platform available.

Our research shows that Bold.org offers the most comprehensive selection of scholarships, regularly updated with new opportunities. Let’s explore some of these college scholarships and discuss how scholarships can work for you.

Start your scholarship search today and apply for opportunities that can take you a step closer to making college more affordable!

scholarships for college

Types of College Scholarships Available

Let’s take a look at the various types of scholarships you can apply for:

1. Merit-Based Scholarships

Merit-based scholarships are awarded based on your academic, athletic, artistic, or extracurricular achievements. These scholarships are often offered by colleges themselves or by private organizations. If you’ve worked hard to maintain high grades, excel in sports, or demonstrate special talents, this is a great opportunity for you. The higher your accomplishments, the better your chances!

2. Need-Based Scholarships

These scholarships are awarded to students based on their financial need. Many colleges and private organizations offer these to help bridge the gap between what you and your family can afford and the cost of attendance. To apply for need-based scholarships, you’ll often need to fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to determine your eligibility.

3. Athletic Scholarships

If you’re a standout athlete, athletic scholarships could help fund your college education. Keep in mind that athletic scholarships are highly competitive and usually tied to your commitment to play for the college’s team.

4. Minority Scholarships

Many organizations offer scholarships to students from underrepresented groups, such as racial or ethnic minorities among other groups.

5. Career-Specific Scholarships

Often, industries experiencing shortages will offer scholarships to attract students into their fields. If you already know what career path you’re interested in, this could be a perfect fit!

6. Community Service Scholarships

If you’re passionate about giving back to your community, you might be eligible for community service scholarships. If you’ve spent significant time helping others, there are scholarships that recognize and reward those efforts.

7. Employer-Sponsored Scholarships

Some companies offer scholarships to the children of their employees or even to employees themselves! If you or your parent works for a large company, it’s worth checking whether they offer this type of financial support.

8. Unusual Scholarships

Believe it or not, there are scholarships for things you might not expect. From scholarships for duck calling to awards for making prom outfits out of duct tape, unusual scholarships reward creativity and unique talents. It’s worth doing some digging to find scholarships that match your unique interests and hobbies.

9. Local Scholarships

Many local businesses, community organizations, and foundations offer scholarships to students from their own region. These are often less competitive than national scholarships, so be sure to explore opportunities in your hometown.

10. Military Scholarships

If you or a family member is in the military, you may qualify for military-based scholarships or benefits, such as the GI Bill. These scholarships help support students who have served or who come from military families.

college students entering dorm

How to Find Scholarships for College Students

Finding the right scholarships can take a little time, but with the right approach, you’ll uncover plenty of opportunities that fit you perfectly. Let’s go over some helpful ways to find scholarships:

1. Start with Scholarship Search Engines

There are several online scholarship databases that make finding scholarships much easier, like Bold.org. These tools save you a ton of time and help you discover scholarships you may not have known about otherwise.

2. Check with Your School Counselor

Your high school guidance counselor is a great resource for finding scholarships. Counselors often have lists of local, regional, and national scholarships that students can apply for.

3. Explore Your College’s Financial Aid Website

Most colleges and universities have their own scholarships, which are often based on merit, need, or specific talents. Once you’ve applied to schools, be sure to visit each school’s financial aid webpage. Many colleges automatically consider you for scholarships when you apply, but some require separate applications. Don’t miss out—apply for as many as you qualify for!

4. Look for Local Scholarships

Local scholarships are a hidden gem because they tend to be less competitive than national ones. Many community organizations, small businesses, clubs, and foundations offer scholarships to students from their area. Check with your local:

  • Rotary Club
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Community foundations
  • Religious organizations
  • Local banks or credit unions

These groups love to support students in their community, so take advantage of any local opportunities.

5. Ask Your Employer or Your Parent’s Employer

Many companies offer scholarships to employees and their families. If you or your parents work for a large corporation, be sure to ask about any scholarships or tuition reimbursement programs they might offer. This is a great way to find scholarships with limited competition!

6. Search Based on Your Major or Career Goals

If you already know what you want to study or what career you’re aiming for, look for scholarships tied to your field of interest. For example, if you’re interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), many organizations offer scholarships to encourage students to pursue careers in these areas. Similarly, education, healthcare, and other fields often have their own dedicated scholarships. Professional organizations in your future career field can also be a great source for scholarships.

7. Look for Scholarships Based on Your Background

There are scholarships specifically for students from certain backgrounds or communities. Whether you’re a first-generation college student, a member of a minority group, part of the LGBTQ+ community, or have a unique life experience, there are scholarships designed to support students just like you. Do some research into scholarships that cater to your specific background or identity.

8. Utilize Social Media

Believe it or not, social media can be a great tool for finding scholarships. Follow scholarship organizations, foundations, and educational groups on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. They often post about new scholarship opportunities, deadlines, and tips for applying. Joining scholarship-related groups can also connect you with other students who share information about opportunities.

9. Check Out Your Extracurricular Activities

Are you involved in sports, music, volunteer work, or other extracurricular activities? There are scholarships for students who excel in these areas! Many sports organizations, artistic groups, or service-based programs offer scholarships to reward students for their dedication and leadership. Think about your activities and search for scholarships connected to your passions.

10. Look for Unusual Scholarships

You might be surprised by some of the unusual scholarships out there! From scholarships for creating prom dresses out of duct tape to awards for avid video gamers, there are scholarships for all kinds of unique talents and interests. If you have a quirky hobby or special skill, see if there are any fun scholarships that match.

11. Don’t Forget About Federal and State Scholarships

In addition to private scholarships, the government also offers scholarships and grants. Be sure to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to see if you qualify for any federal or state grants. While these aren’t technically “scholarships,” they’re still free money you won’t have to pay back!

college students working together

Tips for Winning Scholarships for College Students

So now you know where to look for scholarships, but how do you make sure you get chosen? Well, here are some tips to help you make your applications stand out:

1. Start Early

One of the best things you can do is start your scholarship search as early as possible. Many scholarships have deadlines well before college application deadlines, and the earlier you start, the more options you’ll have. Plus, you’ll have plenty of time to complete the applications without rushing.

2. Research, Research, Research

There are thousands of scholarships out there, so take the time to research different opportunities. Look for national, state, and local scholarships, as well as those specific to your major, interests, or background. Don’t forget about niche scholarships—you’d be surprised by the unique ones that might be a perfect fit for you!

3. Tailor Your Applications

Avoid using the same generic application or essay for every scholarship. Instead, tailor your responses to each scholarship’s requirements. Show the committee that you understand their mission and values by explaining how you align with them. A personalized application always stands out.

4. Write a Compelling Personal Statement

Your personal statement is your chance to shine! Tell your story—highlight your achievements, passions, and goals. Be authentic and show the scholarship committee why you’re a unique candidate. Keep the essay focused, and make sure you answer the specific prompt. Don’t be afraid to let your personality come through!

5. Showcase Your Strengths

Whether it’s academic excellence, community involvement, leadership, or artistic talent, make sure to highlight your strengths. Use examples that demonstrate your dedication and achievements. Scholarship committees love well-rounded students, so even if you’re not at the top of your class, emphasize other qualities that set you apart.

6. Keep an Eye on Deadlines

This one’s super important: stay on top of deadlines! Missing a deadline means missing out on a potential scholarship. I recommend creating a calendar or spreadsheet to track all your application deadlines, along with any materials or essays required.

7. Gather Strong Letters of Recommendation

Many scholarships require letters of recommendation. Be sure to give them plenty of time to write a thoughtful letter and provide them with details about the scholarship and why you’re applying.

8. Don’t Overlook Small Scholarships

Smaller scholarships may not cover all your tuition, but every little bit helps! Many students skip applying for smaller awards, which can mean less competition for you. Those $500 or $1,000 scholarships can add up quickly and help with things like books and supplies.

9. Stay Persistent

Applying for scholarships can take time, and it’s common to face rejection along the way. Don’t get discouraged! Keep applying, and remember that every scholarship you don’t apply for is a missed opportunity. Persistence is key!

10. Watch for Scams

Be careful of scholarships that ask you to pay a fee to apply or require personal information like your Social Security number upfront. Legitimate scholarships won’t ask for money, so if something seems off, trust your instincts and steer clear.

11. Polish Your Application

Before hitting submit, double-check everything. Spelling and grammar mistakes can hurt your chances, so proofread carefully. If possible, ask a teacher, counselor, or family member to review your application as well. A polished, error-free application shows that you’re detail-oriented and serious about winning.

12. Stay True to Yourself

Finally, be authentic in your applications. Don’t try to be someone you’re not just to fit what you think the scholarship committee is looking for. Be genuine, tell your story, and show why you’re passionate about your education and future.

Are you a graduating high school senior? Apply for high school senior scholarships today!

college students at graduation

Frequently Asked Questions About Scholarships for College Students

How Can I Improve My Chances of Winning College Student Scholarships?

You can do several things to improve your chances of winning college student scholarships:

  • Go for scholarships with smaller dollar amounts
  • Apply for scholarships that are looking for a specific type of applicant 
  • Fully answer the prompt when an essay is required 
  • Check the format requirements for written responses 
  • Make sure you meet all the eligibility requirements 
  • Make yourself stand out in your response, like highlighting your academic achievement
  • Apply earlier than the deadline  
  • Look for awards that give awards to multiple winners 

How Many Scholarships Can College Students Get?

There is no limit to the number of scholarships for college students you can get, so you don’t have to limit yourself when applying. 

What Is the Minimum Grade Point Average for Scholarships?

Some scholarships, especially merit-based ones, may require a high GPA, often 3.5 or above, to apply. However, not all scholarships are based on GPA alone! There are plenty of scholarships that accept students with lower GPAs, sometimes as low as 2.0 or 2.5, especially if they focus on other factors like community involvement, leadership, or unique talents. Some scholarships don’t have any GPA requirement at all and instead focus on things like essays, extracurriculars, or personal achievements.

Should I Participate in School and Community Activities?

Scholarship committees love to see students who are well-rounded, engaged, and passionate about something outside of the classroom.

Are College Scholarships Limited to High School Seniors?

Scholarships are not limited to high school seniors—students at all stages of their education can apply for scholarships. High school students, high school graduates, undergraduate students, and graduate school students all can find college scholarships.

Looking for scholarship opportunities to help support you while you attend college? Apply today to reduce the costs of your college education.

Paulla Estes
Writer at feedback@scholarshipinstitute.org | Website | + posts

Paulla Estes, holding a B.A. in English Literature from George Mason University, showcases her expertise in writing and communication through her influential articles for Scholarship Institute. She focuses on creating review articles and recommendations that guide students in exploring educational funding.

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