If you dream of undertaking postgraduate study in a foreign country but fear that the expenses may be too high, take heart: with resourcefulness and persistence, you may be able to get an international postgraduate scholarship. To begin your quest for an international postgraduate scholarship, spend some time doing research to determine what kinds of scholarships are currently available. As you decide which scholarships may be a good fit, keep in mind that you can improve your chances of getting funding by applying for both well-known and small-scale awards. In addition, think about whether your educational background or your personal interests may qualify you for certain awards. Finally, do not rule out the possibility that you may be able to get postgraduate funding directly from your school of choice.
To begin your quest for an international postgraduate scholarship, spend some time doing research to determine what kinds of scholarships are currently available. If you are an undergraduate student, discuss funding opportunities with a counselor in your school’s international studies office. There are also many Internet databases dedicated to providing thorough, up-to-date information about international scholarships. During this phase of your scholarship search, it is important to stay organized, making notes of application requirements and due dates for suitable awards. Additionally, remember that many award applications are due several months before the new school year begins, and that you should thus start searching early.
As you decide which scholarships may be a good fit, remember that you can increase your chances of getting funding by applying for both well-known and small-scale awards. A scholarship such as the Fulbright Award may be very prestigious and generous, but it also tends to be intensely competitive. Conversely, while awards given by smaller organizations such as your town’s government or a local social club may lack the prestige of more well-known scholarships, you may face little or no competition for them. The best strategy may be to seek a balance by applying for both types of awards.
![international postgraduate students](https://scholarshipinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/47.jpg)
In addition, think creatively about whether your educational background or your personal interests may qualify you for an international postgraduate scholarship. If you wish to undertake a postgraduate degree in nursing, for instance, you may be able to secure funding to study in a country that is currently experiencing a shortage of nurses. Even a hobby or interest may qualify you for a scholarship. If you like to brew your own beer, for instance, you may be able to get a scholarship which allows you to study brewing in a foreign country.
Finally, do not rule out the possibility that you may be able to get postgraduate funding directly from your school of choice. In many cases, a university’s internal postgraduate scholarships are open to all eligible students, regardless of nationality. Before applying to potential universities, contact their financial aid or graduate studies offices to find out what kind of funding opportunities are open to international students.
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